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Regression Testing in Agile: All You Need to Know

Table of Contents

  1. What is Regression Testing?
    1. The Primary Goals of Regression Testing
  2. When to do Regression Testing?
  3. Regression Testing in Agile: Concepts, Challenges, and Strategies
    1. Frequent Iterations
    2. Continuous Change
    3. Test Automation
    4. Continuous Integration Regression Testing
    5. User Stories and Acceptance Criteria
    6. Selective Testing
    7. Efficiency and Quick Feedback
    8. Iterative Improvement
  4. Regression Testing Methods
    1. Re-Test Everything
    2. Selective Re-Testing
    3. Prioritized Re-Testing
  5. Why is Regression Testing Important in Agile Development?
  6. Regression Testing Challenges Faced by Agile Professionals
  7. Best Practices for Regression Testing in Agile Environment
    1. Automate Wherever Possible
    2. Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)
    3. Prioritize And Select Test Cases
    4. Test Data Management
    5. Selective Testing
    6. Traceability and Documentation
    7. Sanity Testing
    8. Error Tracking Integration
    9. Communication and Collaboration
    10. Feedback-Driven Improvement
    11. Environment Management
    12. Regular Test Maintenance
    13. Parallel Testing
    14. Testing during Development
    15. Regression Testing as a Shared Responsibility
  8. How to Run Regression Testing in Agile Team
    1. Preparation Phase
    2. Building the Regression Testing Strategy
  9. Regression Testing & Test Automation
  10. Agile Regression Testing Tools
    1. Selenium
    2. Jenkins
    3. TestRail
    4. JIRA
    5. TestComplete
  11. FAQ Section
    1. What is Regression Testing?
    2. Why is Regression Testing Important in Agile Development?
    3. What is the Difference Between Smoke Testing and Sanity Testing?
    4. How Do You Perform Regression Testing in an Agile Environment?
    5. What is Automated Regression Testing in Agile?
    6. What Are the Benefits of Regression Testing?
    7. What Are the Different Types of Regression Testing?
    8. How Do You Select Test Cases for Regression Testing?
    9. What is a Regression Test Suite?
    10. How Often Should Regression Testing Be Performed?
  12. Conclusion

This blog post delves into the intricacies and significance of regression testing within the agile landscape, offering insights, strategies, and best practices to help teams navigate this critical phase of software development. You want to know why continuos regression testing is important? Let's dive in.

With a focus on practical applications and expert opinions, this complete guide to regression testing aims to demystify regression testing in an agile context.

regression tests .jpeg

What is Regression Testing?

Before we dive into the specifics of regression test automation in Agile, let's first understand the core concepts and methodologies of regression testing.

Regression testing is a crucial software testing process that involves verifying that recent code changes or modifications to a software application have not adversely affected the existing functionality of the software. It is performed to ensure that new code additions, updates, or bug fixes do not introduce new defects or issues and that the software continues to function as expected.

The Primary Goals of Regression Testing

  • Maintain Software Quality: Regression testing ensures that the quality and reliability of the software remain intact after each code change. It helps prevent the introduction of new bugs or the reoccurrence of previously fixed issues.

  • Detect Regressions: Regression testing is specifically focused on identifying regressions, which are unintended consequences of code changes that negatively impact existing features. These regressions may result from code modifications in one part of the software affecting other seemingly unrelated parts.

  • Support Continuous Integration: In modern software development practices, such as Agile and Continuous Integration (CI/CD), new code is frequently integrated into the codebase. Regression testing is essential to validate that these continuous code integrations do not break existing functionality.

Regression testing is typically automated to ensure that it can be performed efficiently and consistently. Test cases that cover critical and commonly used features of the software are selected and executed automatically each time there is a code change. If any test cases fail, it indicates a regression issue, and developers must investigate and resolve the problem before proceeding further.

When to do Regression Testing?

Regression testing needs to be an essential part of the software testing process and should be performed under various circumstances to ensure the quality and reliability of a software application. Here are some common scenarios and times when you should consider performing regression testing:

  • After Code Changes: Whenever there are code changes, such as bug fixes, new features, enhancements, or updates, regression testing should be conducted.

  • Before Releases: Before a new version or release of the software is deployed to production or distributed to end-users, regression testing is crucial.

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline: In a CI/CD environment, regression test cases are often automated and integrated into the pipeline.

  • Periodic Testing: Even if there are no immediate code changes or releases, it's a good practice to perform periodic regression testing.

  • Environment Changes: When there are significant changes in the test environment, regression testing is necessary.

  • Data Changes: If there are changes to the data used by the application, it's important to perform regression testing.

  • Security Updates: When security patches or updates are applied, regression testing helps ensure that these updates haven't introduced security vulnerabilities or broken any part of the application.

  • Performance and Load Testing: After making performance improvements or changes to the application's architecture, regression testing for performance is important.

  • Functional Testing: Testers rely on a regression suite of functional test cases.

  • Configuration Changes: If there are changes in configuration settings, regression testing is needed.

  • User Feedback: If users report issues or unexpected behavior, regression testing can help identify and verify the reported problems and ensure that they are resolved in subsequent releases.

Regression Testing in Agile: Concepts, Challenges, and Strategies

In an Agile context, regression testing techniques play a critical role in ensuring that incremental changes and new features do not introduce defects or disrupt the existing functionality of the software.

Frequent Iterations

Agile development follows a series of short, iterative cycles called sprints. After each sprint, new features or improvements are added to the software.

Continuous Change

Agile professionals prioritize adaptability and embrace changes in requirements even late in development, making regression testing a necessity to maintain quality.

Test Automation

To keep up with the fast-paced Agile environment, automation is often used for regression testing. Automated test suites are created and maintained to efficiently verify existing functionality.

Continuous Integration Regression Testing

In Agile, code changes are integrated frequently into the main codebase. Automated regression tests are integrated into the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline to validate these changes, ensuring that new code does not break existing features.

See our article on the Benefits of CI/CD Integration

User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

Each sprint focuses on specific user stories with defined acceptance criteria. Regression testing is aligned with these criteria to confirm that the software meets the defined expectations.

Selective Testing

Agile professionals may not retest every single feature with each sprint. Instead, they focus on areas related to the changes made during the current sprint.

Efficiency and Quick Feedback

Agile regression testing aims to be efficient and provides quick feedback. Any detected regression issues are promptly addressed to maintain a reliable product.

Iterative Improvement

Agile professionals continuously refine their regression test suites to ensure they remain effective. This iterative approach to testing aligns with Agile principles of incremental improvement and flexibility.

In the Agile context, regression testing is a cornerstone of maintaining software quality and adaptability. Regression testing is required to deliver frequent, high-quality releases by verifying that existing functionality remains intact as new features are introduced. Automation and a focus on selective testing enable Agile development to proceed at a fast pace without sacrificing quality.

Regression Testing Methods

Regression testing can be approached in different ways, and the method you choose should be tailored to your specific circumstances, such as the size of your codebase, the size of your testing team, and the available resources at your disposal. Here are three common approaches to regression testing:

Re-Test Everything

In this type of regression testing, all existing tests are rerun on the new codebase. However, it can be resource-intensive and may not always be feasible within time and resource constraints.

Selective Re-Testing

Identify a subset of your existing tests that specifically target the critical components of your code. This approach is advantageous when resource constraints or time limitations make it challenging to re-test everything.

Prioritized Re-Testing

This approach involves running tests based on priorities, addressing code paths and functional areas that are more likely to contain bugs or have a significant impact on the user experience.

Why is Regression Testing Important in Agile Development?

Regression testing is a critical component of agile software development. It ensures that changes in the codebase do not introduce new defects or break existing functionality. The importance of regression testing in agile projects cannot be overstated.

Regression Testing Challenges Faced by Agile Professionals

Here are some of the key regression testing challenges in Agile:

  • Short Iterations: Agile development operates on short, time-boxed iterations (sprints). Regression testing within these tight timelines can be challenging.

  • Frequent Code Changes: Managing regression tests in the face of continuous updates can be complex.

  • Test Data Management: Ensuring data accuracy and consistency can be a challenge.

  • Test Automation: Developing and maintaining automated test suites can be challenging.

  • Selective Testing: This approach may miss potential regressions in other parts of the software.

  • Test Coverage: Striking a balance between test coverage and testing speed can be challenging.

  • Integration Testing: Detecting and resolving integration issues is often time-consuming.

  • Resource Constraints: Agile team members may lack the necessary resources for comprehensive regression testing.

  • Communication and Collaboration: Misunderstandings or miscommunication can result in inadequate test coverage or missed regression issues.

  • Prioritize The Test Cases: Deciding which tests to run during regression testing can be challenging.

  • Test Maintenance: This ongoing maintenance can be time-consuming.

Best Practices for Regression Testing in Agile Environment

Automate Wherever Possible

Invest in test automation to create a suite of automated regression tests. Automate the most critical and frequently executed test cases to maximize efficiency.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)

Integrate regression tests into your CI/CD pipeline to automatically run tests each time code is committed.

Prioritize And Select Test Cases

Use a risk-based approach to prioritize test cases. Focus on testing critical functionalities and areas of the application most likely to be affected by recent changes.

Test Data Management

Ensure that test data is well-maintained and up-to-date.

Selective Testing

Consider selective regression testing, focusing on the parts of the application related to the changes made in the current sprint.

Traceability and Documentation

Maintain traceability between test cases, user stories, and requirements.

Sanity Testing

Implement sanity testing to quickly assess whether the basic functionalities of the application are still intact.

See Smoke Testing vs Sanity Testing

Error Tracking Integration

Use regression testing tools that integrate with error tracking systems.

Communication and Collaboration

Promote open and frequent communication among team members.

Feedback-Driven Improvement

Continuously assess the effectiveness of your regression testing strategy.

Environment Management

Keep your test environments in sync with the production environment.

Regular Test Maintenance

Regularly update and maintain your regression test suite to accommodate changes in the application.

Parallel Testing

Execute regression tests in parallel to reduce the time required for test runs.

Parallel Testing: A Guide for Software Testers

Testing during Development

Encourage developers to conduct unit testing, automated code testing, and peer reviews during development.

Regression Testing as a Shared Responsibility

Emphasize that regression testing is a shared responsibility across the entire Agile team.

How to Run Regression Testing in Agile Team

Preparation Phase

  • Collect and Review Test Cases: Begin by gathering all the test cases that you intend to execute for regression testing.

  • Identify Test Case Improvements: Evaluate the quality and relevance of the test cases you've collected.

  • Estimate Execution Time: Estimate the time required to execute the regression test suite.

  • Automation Assessment: Determine which test cases can be automated and how automation can be integrated into the regression testing process.

Building the Regression Testing Strategy

  • Utilize Smoke and Sanity Testing: Implement smoke and sanity testing prior to diving into comprehensive regression testing.

  • Identify Error-Prone Areas: Include test cases that historically fail more frequently.

  • Test Case Prioritization: Adopt a risk-based approach to select and prioritize test cases.

  • Leverage Bug Reports: Regression testing tools that integrate with error tracking systems provide rich information about test failures.

  • Effective Communication: Continuous and effective communication is crucial within Agile team.

Regression Testing & Test Automation

Automating regression tests is a key component of modern agile software development. Automated regression testing allows for the rapid execution of test cases with each code change, leading to more reliable and frequent testing cycles.

Agile Regression Testing Tools



  • Open-source, supports various programming languages (Java, C#, Python, etc.).
  • Cross-browser compatibility testing.
  • Integration with test frameworks like JUnit and TestNG.
  • Supports parallel test execution.
  • Extensive community support and a rich ecosystem of plugins and extensions.



  • Open-source, widely used for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD).
  • Automated test scheduling and execution.
  • Integration with various testing and deployment tools.
  • Distributed builds for parallel testing.
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for customization



  • Test case management and organization.
  • Traceability of test cases to requirements.
  • Integration with various test automation frameworks and tools.
  • Comprehensive test reporting and metrics.
  • Customizable test workflows and test plan management.


jira software

  • Issue and project tracking with agile planning capabilities.
  • Customizable workflows for managing testing processes.
  • Integration with various testing and CI/CD tools.
  • Real-time collaboration for test case management.
  • Advanced reporting and dashboard features.



  • Supports automated UI and functional testing.
  • Record and playback test creation.
  • Cross-platform and cross-browser testing.
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Scripted testing for advanced test scenarios.
  • Rich reporting and analysis tools.

FAQ Section

What is Regression Testing?

A: Regression testing is a type of software testing that is performed to ensure that changes or modifications in the software do not affect the existing functionality. It involves re-testing the previously tested features to make sure that they still work as expected.

Why is Regression Testing Important in Agile Development?

A: Regression testing is important in agile development because it helps detect any unintended impacts or regressions caused by new changes. In agile development, where frequent changes and updates are made, regression testing ensures that the software remains stable and reliable.

What is the Difference Between Smoke Testing and Sanity Testing?

A: Smoke testing is a type of testing that is performed to quickly check if the major functionalities of the software are working fine, while sanity testing is a subset of regression testing that focuses on testing specific areas that have undergone recent changes or fixes.

How Do You Perform Regression Testing in an Agile Environment?

A: Regression testing in an agile environment can be performed by identifying the test cases that need to be executed for regression testing, creating a regression test suite, prioritizing the test cases, executing the selected test cases, and analyzing the results.

What is Automated Regression Testing in Agile?

A: Automated regression testing in agile involves using automation tools to execute the regression test suite, reducing manual effort and time required for regression testing.

What Are the Benefits of Regression Testing?

A: The benefits of regression testing include ensuring the stability and reliability of the software, catching any unintended impacts or regressions caused by new changes, detecting and fixing any issues or bugs, and saving time and effort by automating the process.

What Are the Different Types of Regression Testing?

A: The types of regression testing include Retest-All, Selective, Prioritized, and Regression Test Case Prioritization, focusing on different strategies of retesting and prioritizing test cases based on various factors.

How Do You Select Test Cases for Regression Testing?

A: Test cases for regression testing can be selected based on the importance of functionality, impact of changes made, and past failure history of test cases.

What is a Regression Test Suite?

A: A regression test suite is a collection of test cases specifically designed for regression testing to ensure that changes or modifications in the software have not adversely affected existing functionalities.

How Often Should Regression Testing Be Performed?

A: The frequency of regression testing depends on factors like the volume of code being tested and the pace of software development, especially in agile where it's often performed after each iteration or when significant changes are made to the software.


In conclusion, regression testing in agile is a critical component of software development, ensuring stability and quality amid the rapid changes and iterations inherent to agile methodologies.

By understanding the role, timing, and common challenges of regression testing, agile teams can deliver high-quality software that aligns with the principles of agile development.

The insights, strategies, and best practices provided in this guide equip professionals to enhance their regression testing effectiveness in agile environments, leading to successful delivery of reliable software products in today’s fast-paced world of technology.

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer

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