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Best Puppeteer Alternatives

puppeteer alternatives

When looking for the best alternatives to Puppeteer, there are several tools and frameworks you might consider, each offering different features that may be more suitable depending on your specific needs, such as ease of use, integration capabilities, and support for various programming languages. Are you looking for a tool like Puppeteer but with a more straightforward setup? We got you covered! In our in-depth comparison, we present several options for desktop automation and open-source tools.

What Is Puppeteer?

Puppeteer is an open-source Node library that provides a high-level API for browser automation, specifically geared towards controlling Google's Chrome or Chromium browsers via the DevTools Protocol. It is similar to other web automation tools but is particularly notable for its capabilities that facilitate a wide range of tasks from web scraping to automated testing of web applications. Puppeteer requires extensive coding knowledge - in this article we will focus on presenting the best puppeteer alternatives on the market (frameworks, commercial tools).

Key Features of Puppeteer

  • Web Scraping: Puppeteer excels in automating the process of collecting data from the web, making it an excellent tool for web scraping tasks.
  • Browser Automation: Enables automation of repetitive tasks in a browser, including form submission, UI testing, and page navigation.
  • Take Screenshots: Allows developers to programmatically take screenshots of web pages, which is useful for capturing the state of a web app or for creating visual test suites.
  • Node Library: As a Node.js library, Puppeteer can easily integrate into web projects that are based on the Node ecosystem.
  • Web Automation: Puppeteer provides tools for automating interactions with web pages, facilitating both testing and automation tasks.
  • Test Suites: Ideal for running automated test suites that mimic user interactions with web applications, helping to streamline the testing process.

Typical Use Cases for Puppeteer

  • Automated Testing: Widely used for automation tests in web applications, Puppeteer enables developers to write and run test suites that simulate real user actions for browser testing and app testing on web platforms.
  • Browser Testing: Supports testing across different operating systems and browsers, primarily focused on WebKit-based browsers like Chrome and Chromium.
  • Web Scraping: Puppeteer can automate the navigation of web pages and extraction of data, making it powerful for scraping content dynamically.

Why Use Puppeteer Alternatives?

Using alternatives to Puppeteer can be beneficial for several reasons, each catering to different needs and scenarios in web testing and automation:

  1. Browser Support:

Puppeteer primarily supports Chromium and Chrome, which can be a limitation if you need to test your application across multiple browsers. Alternatives like Playwright, WebDriverIO, and Selenium support a broader range of browsers, including Firefox, Safari, and Edge, allowing for more comprehensive cross-browser testing.

  1. Advanced Features:

Some alternatives offer features that Puppeteer does not, or they offer improved functionality. For example, Playwright provides built-in capabilities for handling mobile browsers, video capture, and tracing, which are beneficial for more in-depth testing and debugging.

  1. Framework Integration:

Depending on the existing tech stack and team expertise, an alternative might integrate better with other tools and frameworks you are using. For instance, WebDriverIO integrates seamlessly with various JavaScript testing frameworks like Mocha and Jasmine, which might be crucial for some development environments.

  1. Ease of Use and Setup:

Certain alternatives offer a more straightforward setup or a more user-friendly interface. Tools like Cypress and TestCafe are renowned for their ease of use, particularly when setting up end-to-end tests without the need for additional drivers or servers.

  1. Performance and Speed:

Depending on the specific requirements of a project, the performance of testing tools can be a deciding factor. Some alternatives may perform better in terms of speed and efficiency in different testing environments or under different workloads.

  1. Community and Support:

The size and activity of a tool's community can impact your decision. A larger or more active community often means more plugins, extensions, and third-party integrations, as well as better support through forums and documentation. Selenium, for example, has a very established community with extensive resources.

  1. Commercial Support:

For enterprise needs, commercial support can be critical. Some alternatives offer proprietary versions with additional features and dedicated support, which can be crucial for business-critical applications. Tools like TestCafe and Katalon Studio provide professional support and additional enterprise features.

Choosing an alternative to Puppeteer often comes down to specific project requirements, team expertise, and the particular strengths of another tool in terms of functionality, ease of use, and ecosystem support.

Puppeteer Pros & Cons


  • High-level API: Provides a convenient abstraction over the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
  • Headless Browser Support: Ideal for running automated tests and server-side rendering scenarios without a UI.
  • Direct Control over Chrome: Unlike some other tools that interact with the browser through intermediaries, Puppeteer works directly with Chrome, offering a robust and efficient control mechanism.
  • Rich Feature Set: Supports almost all modern web features, including but not limited to JavaScript, complex DOM operations, and modern CSS.


  • Browser Support: Limited primarily to Chrome and Chromium. If you need to test on other browsers like Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer, you'll need to use other tools.
  • Performance: Running full browser instances can be resource-intensive, which may impact performance especially when running multiple instances concurrently.
  • Complexity: While Puppeteer's API is powerful, there is a learning curve associated with its advanced features and capabilities, making it potentially daunting for newcomers.
  • Server-Side Rendering Bias: Designed primarily for automated testing and tasks that mimic server-side rendering, it might not be as straightforward for tasks that require emulation of real user interactions in a browser environment.

What Is the Best Puppeteer Alternative?

Choosing the best alternative to Puppeteer largely depends on your specific needs, such as the level of browser support required, ease of use, and specific features like real-time debugging or integration with other testing frameworks. Additionally, the decision to go codeless also depends on your team's skill set and the complexity of the tasks you aim to automate. Here are some considerations.

What Is Codeless Automation?

Codeless automation tools allow you to create tests without writing extensive code, which can be a significant advantage for teams without deep programming skills or for those looking to speed up test creation.

Codeless automation, also referred to as no-code or low-code automation, is a method of creating software tests or automating workflows without the need for detailed scripting or coding. This approach utilizes graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and configuration settings to allow users to build complex automation tasks through simple, user-friendly operations. Here are some key aspects of codeless automation:

Key Features of Codeless Automation

  1. Visual Programming: Users interact with a visual interface where they can drag and drop elements, set parameters through dropdowns, and configure actions based on visual workflows rather than writing code.
  2. Pre-built Templates: Many codeless automation tools provide templates and ready-to-use components that help users get started quickly and efficiently without needing to understand the underlying code.
  3. Record and Playback: This feature allows users to record their interactions with the application. The tool then automatically creates the automation script based on the recorded actions, which can be replayed later for testing or other automation purposes.
  4. Integrations and Extensions: Although codeless, these tools often support integrations with other software and platforms, enabling non-technical users to connect and automate processes across different environments seamlessly.

Open-source Testing Frameworks vs Codeless Tools

Advantages of Testing Frameworks:

  • Offer deeper integration with software development processes.
  • Provide more granular control over test execution and environment setups.
  • Better suited for complex testing scenarios, including API testing, load testing, and performance testing.

Advantages of Codeless Tools:

  • Lower the barrier to entry, allowing broader team involvement in testing.
  • Simplify the maintenance of test cases, especially in dynamic environments with frequent UI changes.
  • Reduce the time to deploy tests, making them ideal for agile development environments.

Choosing Between the Two:

  • Skill Level of Team: If your team has strong coding skills, a traditional testing framework might be more beneficial. For teams with limited coding expertise, codeless tools could be more appropriate.
  • Project Complexity: For complex projects requiring detailed testing across multiple layers of the application, traditional frameworks are typically more suitable. Codeless tools may suffice for simpler applications or for specific types of tests like UI checks.
  • Development Methodology: In fast-paced agile environments, codeless tools can help keep up with frequent changes and deployments. In more traditional development setups, the comprehensive coverage of testing frameworks might be preferred.



BugBug is a modern, visual web testing tool designed to simplify the process of creating and managing automated tests for web applications. It's a user-friendly, codeless platform that allows teams to automate their web testing efforts without needing deep technical skills in scripting or programming.

Key Features of BugBug:

  • Codeless Test Creation: Enables users to create automated tests via a visual interface, making test automation accessible to non-developers.
  • Visual Editor and Recorder: Provides a browser-extension test recorder that captures user interactions to facilitate test creation.
  • Automatic Test Execution: Allows tests to be run automatically in the cloud or locally, ensuring flexibility in test deployment.
  • Integration: Offers integrations with CI/CD pipelines and notification systems like Slack to streamline workflow.

Check our guide on how Puppeteer Recorder compares to BugBug test recorder.

BugBug does not only have free trial - it also offers free forever plan with number of advanced features like:

  • Unlimited Tests: Create as many tests as you need, without any restrictions, allowing for comprehensive coverage of all your application's functionalities.
  • Unlimited Local Test Runs: Run as many tests as you want, giving you the freedom to test thoroughly and frequently.
  • Unlimited Suites: Organize your tests into as many suites as necessary, which helps in categorizing and managing complex test scenarios.
  • Unlimited Users: Collaborate with your entire team on the BugBug platform, with no limit on user accounts, promoting team synergy and productivity.
  • Components: Reuse common test steps across different tests with modular components, which streamlines the testing process and ensures consistency.
  • Smart Waiting Conditions: Benefit from intelligent wait times that adapt dynamically during tests, reducing the chances of flaky tests and false negatives.
  • 7 Days of Test History: Keep track of your tests with a week's worth of history, allowing you to review recent results and analyze performance trends.

Comparison: BugBug and Puppeteer

Feature BugBug Puppeteer
Pricing Freemium, $99/month (Pro), Custom (Enterprise) Free
Real-time recording Yes No
Fix test by re-recording Yes No
Real cursor movement Yes Yes
Recording click Yes Yes
Unlimited local test runs Yes Yes
Custom JavaScript actions Yes Yes
Multiple environments Yes Yes (Chrome/Chromium, experimental Firefox support)
Smart clicks Yes No
Smart scroll Yes No
Unlimited users Yes Yes
Unlimited projects Yes Yes
Unlimited test runs Yes Yes
PDF reports Yes No
Integration with any CI/CD pipeline Yes Yes



Key Features:

  • AI-Based Learning: Testim uses artificial intelligence to learn from data and improve the stability of test cases by dynamically adjusting locators based on the application changes.
  • Visual Test Creation: Allows users to create tests using a visual interface where they can record actions on their web or mobile applications.
  • Integration: Offers robust integrations with CI/CD pipelines, issue trackers, and version control systems.

Use Cases:

  • Testim is particularly useful for teams that require rapid test creation with minimal maintenance. It's excellent for end-to-end testing of web and mobile applications, especially in agile environments where applications change frequently.

Check our guide on the best Testim Alternatives.



Key Features:

  • Natural Language Processing: Allows writing test cases in simple English, making it accessible for non-technical stakeholders.
  • Cloud-based Execution: Provides a cloud platform for executing tests across a multitude of devices and browsers without setup overhead.
  • AI-Driven: Utilizes AI to suggest improvements in test cases and to identify potential areas of failure.

Use Cases:

  • Ideal for enterprises looking for a scalable solution to automate across various platforms like web, mobile, and APIs. Testsigma is also suitable for organizations that need a tool that supports collaboration across multiple teams.

Check also our article on Testsigma Alternatives.

Katalon Studio


Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Testing Support: Supports API, web, mobile, and desktop application testing within a unified framework.
  • Built-in Project Templates: Includes templates for various types of testing scenarios which can be customized, helping new users get started quickly.
  • Plugin Ecosystem: Offers an extensive marketplace with plugins to extend its capabilities and integrate with other tools.

Use Cases:

  • Katalon Studio is designed for teams that need a versatile tool capable of handling multiple testing modalities. It's particularly beneficial for API testing and complex automation scenarios that may involve different interfaces.



Key Features:

  • Codeless Test Automation: Provides a platform for creating automated tests without writing code.
  • Video Recording of Test Execution: Captures video recordings of test executions which can be helpful for debugging and understanding test outcomes.
  • Geolocation Testing: Allows users to simulate testing in different geographical locations.

Use Cases:

  • Endtest is well-suited for QA teams that require straightforward automation solutions without the need for scripting. It's also useful for performing smoke and regression tests across different regions and conditions.

Rainforest QA

Rainforest qa 2024

Key Features:

  • Crowdsourced Testing: Utilizes a global crowd of testers to execute tests, providing real human inputs.
  • On-demand Platform: Tests can be run on-demand with results often returned within minutes.
  • Integration with CI Tools: Seamlessly integrates into the CI pipeline to ensure continuous delivery.

Use Cases:

  • Rainforest QA is best for applications where human testing is crucial, such as user experience (UX) testing. It is also advantageous for organizations that need to perform exploratory testing where script-based automation is limited.

Read our guide on the best Rainforest QA Alternatives.



Key Features:

  • Real-Time Reloads: Offers a test runner that automatically reloads upon test file changes, providing instant feedback.
  • Direct Access to DOM: Allows direct interaction with the DOM, making tests more reliable and easier to write.
  • Network Traffic Control: Can control and test network calls, aiding in the testing of applications reliant on external APIs.

Use Cases:

  • Cypress is highly effective for developers and QA engineers who need a quick and robust testing tool for modern web applications. It is particularly useful for unit and integration testing during development. JavaScript coding knowledge is required for this tool.

Check our article on the best Cypress Alternatives.

Alternatives to Puppeteer - Frameworks

When exploring the landscape of web automation and testing frameworks, there are several compelling Puppeteer alternatives that cater to a variety of testing needs. These alternatives not only offer functionalities similar to Puppeteer but also extend beyond its capabilities, presenting quicker, more versatile, and often better solutions. Notably, Playwright stands out as an open-source Node library, akin to an upgraded version of Puppeteer, supporting more browsers and enhancing test execution speeds. Among the 7 top alternatives on the market, each framework presents unique strengths---from improved performance to broader compatibility across different browsers. This discussion aims to delve into the best options available, highlighting tools that are especially proficient in areas where Puppeteer may fall short, providing insights into testing software that can streamline your development and quality assurance processes.



Key Features:

  • Node.js-based: Like Puppeteer, Nightwatch.js is a Node.js-based framework for browser automation.
  • Integrated Test Runner: Includes a built-in test runner for executing tests and generating reports, which simplifies the setup and execution process.
  • WebDriver Protocol: Uses the Selenium WebDriver protocol to communicate with browsers, which provides support for a variety of browsers.

Comparison with Puppeteer:

  • While Puppeteer is limited primarily to Chrome and Chromium, Nightwatch.js supports multiple browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari, thanks to its use of the WebDriver protocol.

Use Cases:

  • Best suited for end-to-end testing across multiple browsers.
  • Useful for organizations that need to ensure cross-browser compatibility of their web applications.



Key Features:

  • Cross-Browser Support: Like Puppeteer, Playwright is maintained by Microsoft and offers support not just for Chromium but also for WebKit and Firefox.
  • Native Mobile Emulation: Provides support for mobile browsers through device emulation, which Puppeteer also does but with a focus on desktop browsers.
  • Rich Automation Capabilities: Includes capabilities for network interception, file downloads, and handling various input events.

Comparison with Puppeteer:

  • Playwright can be seen as an evolution of Puppeteer with broader browser support and additional features that enhance its capabilities for modern web applications.

Use Cases:

  • Ideal for developers who need to perform browser testing on multiple browsers and platforms, including desktop and mobile.
  • Useful for testing complex user interactions and advanced browser features.

If you are looking for a condensed knowledge pack? Check our Playwright Cheat Sheet.



Key Features:

  • Wide Browser Support: Supports almost all major browsers, using different WebDriver implementations for each.
  • Large Community and Ecosystem: Has a vast community and a plethora of resources, plugins, and integrations available.
  • Language Flexibility: Supports numerous programming languages including Java, Python, Ruby, and more.

Comparison with Puppeteer:

  • Selenium offers a much broader range of browser support and language options compared to Puppeteer's focus on JavaScript and Chrome/Chromium.

Use Cases:

  • Perfect for large-scale test automation projects that require tests to be written in various programming languages.
  • Suitable for teams that require extensive browser compatibility testing.

Check also our article on the best Selenium Alternatives.



Key Features:

  • Rich API: Offers a synchronous API that makes writing tests easier and more straightforward.
  • Extensive Integrations: Integrates with numerous testing frameworks and tools, enhancing its capabilities.
  • Custom Commands: Allows the creation of custom commands, enhancing reusability and flexibility.

Comparison with Puppeteer:

  • WebDriverIO supports more browsers and integrates with more testing frameworks compared to Puppeteer. It also offers a more developer-friendly synchronous API.

Use Cases:

  • Particularly effective for complex automation tasks that require integration with other tools and systems.
  • Great for teams looking for a highly customizable automation solution.



Key Features:

  • No WebDriver Needed: Unlike Selenium and Puppeteer, TestCafe does not rely on WebDriver. This simplifies setup and reduces compatibility issues.
  • Runs on All Popular Browsers: Automatically starts browsers installed on the user's machine.
  • Concurrent Testing: Allows running tests concurrently across multiple browsers and machines, which speeds up the testing process.

Comparison with Puppeteer:

  • TestCafe offers easier setup without WebDriver and supports testing across a variety of browsers without additional plugins or configurations, unlike Puppeteer.

Use Cases:

  • Suitable for teams that need a quick setup and execution of tests without deep configuration.
  • Ideal for real-world testing on the browsers and devices that users actually employ.

Tools for Running Tests in Cloud

Sauce Labs

 Sauce Labs

Key Features:

  • Wide Range of Browsers and Platforms: Offers access to hundreds of browser versions and operating system combinations, both mobile and desktop.
  • Virtual and Real Device Testing: Allows testing on both emulators/simulators and real devices to ensure that applications work smoothly in real-world scenarios.
  • Parallel Testing: Supports parallel test execution to speed up the testing cycle significantly.
  • Secure Tunneling: Provides secure tunnel connections for testing internal servers and local setups.

Comparison with Puppeteer:

  • Unlike Puppeteer, which is limited to automating tasks primarily in Chrome and Chromium browsers, Sauce Labs provides a much broader testing environment that includes virtually all major browsers and mobile devices.

Use Cases:

  • Ideal for enterprises needing to conduct comprehensive testing across a vast array of devices and browsers.
  • Useful for teams that require secure, scalable, and robust tools for automated and manual testing of web and mobile applications.



Key Features:

  • Real Device Cloud: Allows testing on a wide array of real devices for mobile and desktop testing.
  • Integrations: Offers seamless integrations with CI/CD pipelines and popular development tools.
  • Local Testing: Supports testing of apps and websites hosted on local servers or behind firewalls using a secure local testing feature.
  • Automated and Live Testing: Provides both automated testing tools and a platform for manual testing.

Comparison with Puppeteer:

  • BrowserStack emphasizes testing on real devices and multiple environments, which is beyond the scope of Puppeteer's capabilities focused on Chrome/Chromium browsers.

Use Cases:

  • Suitable for developers and QA teams who need to verify the performance and functionality of their apps across various real devices and browsers.
  • Perfect for scenarios where testing on real devices, as opposed to emulators or simulators, is crucial for accuracy, such as in mobile app development.



Key Features:

  • Cross-Browser Testing: Supports more than 2000 browsers, ensuring that web applications work flawlessly on every browser version.
  • Selenium Grid Online: Offers an online Selenium grid for running automation scripts in the cloud across various browsers.
  • Real-Time Testing: Allows for interactive live testing sessions on desktop and mobile browsers.
  • Integrations: Extensive integrations with project management and communication tools, enhancing team collaboration.

Comparison with Puppeteer:

  • LambdaTest covers a much wider array of browsers and devices compared to Puppeteer and provides a cloud-based Selenium Grid for extensive automated testing across platforms.

Use Cases:

  • Excellent for teams that require a versatile and comprehensive tool for testing web applications across multiple browsers and platforms.
  • Beneficial for organizations that want to leverage the cloud for scaling their testing efforts without maintaining an in-house infrastructure.

Final Thoughts

Considering a Puppeteer alternative can be beneficial for addressing broader testing needs. Since Puppeteer is a Node.js module primarily focused on Chrome and Chromium, exploring other options becomes essential for comprehensive testing across multiple platforms, including Android and iOS devices. Playwright, for instance, emerges as a strong competitor to Puppeteer, offering an upgraded version of similar capabilities with support for additional browsers and better image rendering APIs. It is an open-source framework that mirrors Puppeteer's features and extends them, providing quick and reliable testing across different environments. For those looking beyond the traditional open-source frameworks like Puppeteer, top alternatives on the market such as Selenium, WebDriverIO, and TestCafe offer robust solutions that often outperform Puppeteer, especially when complex, multi-browser testing scenarios are involved. Whether you choose Playwright for its close similarity and enhanced features, or other frameworks that provide diverse testing options, the best practices in selecting among the 7 top Puppeteer alternatives involve evaluating each tool's capabilities against your specific testing requirements to ensure the best outcomes.

Puppeteer Competitors: FAQ

What is faster than Puppeteer?

Playwright often emerges as a faster alternative to Puppeteer, especially in scenarios involving multiple browser types and complex interactions. Developed by the same team that initiated Puppeteer, Playwright extends its capabilities with additional optimizations for speed and reliability across all major browsers, not just Chrome. It also provides faster setup times for test environments due to its comprehensive browser support out of the box.

Is Puppeteer better than Selenium?

Whether Puppeteer is better than Selenium depends largely on the specific requirements and context of your project. Puppeteer is generally preferred for its faster execution times and simpler syntax when working exclusively with Chromium-based browsers. It's particularly effective for page automation, scraping, and rendering tasks. However, Selenium excels in broader compatibility with a wide range of browsers and support for multiple programming languages, making it more suitable for complex, cross-browser testing scenarios. Selenium's extensive community and ecosystem also offer more resources for troubleshooting and integration.

What is the alternative to Puppeteer in Java?

For Java users seeking an alternative to Puppeteer, Selenium WebDriver is an excellent choice. It provides a robust framework for browser automation that supports all major browsers and integrates seamlessly with other Java-based tools and libraries. Additionally, UiPath, although more commonly used for general automation beyond browsers, also supports Java and can handle web automation tasks effectively.

What is the Python equivalent of Puppeteer?

The Python equivalent of Puppeteer is Pyppeteer, a library that ported Puppeteer's functionality to Python. Pyppeteer offers a similar API, allowing Python developers to control headless Chrome or Chromium. Another notable alternative is Selenium with Python bindings, which provides extensive capabilities for browser automation across various browsers, not just Chrome, making it a versatile choice for more comprehensive testing needs.

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer

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