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Best BrowserStack Alternatives

browserstack alternatives

When it comes to the choice of testing platform, BrowserStack is a well-known tool that allows users to test web and mobile applications across a variety of devices and browsers. However, if you're looking for a BrowserStack alternative, several compelling options might better suit your specific needs. Whether it's due to pricing, features, or the scope of testing capabilities, exploring competitors can provide valuable insights and potentially more tailored solutions.


In this guide, we will delve into the top BrowserStack alternatives, each offering unique advantages and features. From free and paid services like SauceLabs, known for its feature-rich alternative and online browser sandbox technology, to Lambdatest, which is often praised in reviews as the best option compared to BrowserStack, these platforms provide a strong alternative for testing Android and iOS mobile apps as well as web applications.

We will also explore how these services stack up against BrowserStack, providing a comparison of top competitors and allowing users to see how alternatives like Lambdatest not only offer a free trial but also excel as one of the best cross-browser testing options. Whether you're seeking a similar experience to BrowserStack or a distinctly different approach with additional features, this list of the best BrowserStack alternatives will help you make an informed decision. Join us as we review and find the best alternatives for testing mobile app testing across Android and iOS platforms, and discover which service could be a compelling substitute to BrowserStack in your software testing arsenal.

What is BrowserStack?

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BrowserStack is a cloud-based platform that provides developers with the ability to test their websites and mobile applications across different browsers, operating systems, and real mobile devices. It supports a wide array of browsers and versions, including older ones, which helps in ensuring that applications work seamlessly for all users, regardless of the device or browser they are using.

The service is designed to simplify the testing process by eliminating the need for teams to maintain their own testing infrastructure. Instead, BrowserStack offers access to a vast array of real devices and virtual machines that can be used for both manual and automated testing. This includes features for automated browser tests using Selenium, Appium, and other popular test automation tools, enabling continuous integration and delivery.

Key features of BrowserStack Testing Platform

  • Live Testing: Allows manual testing in real-time on browsers and devices.
  • Automate: Supports automated testing frameworks like Selenium and Appium for web and mobile applications.
  • App-Live: Enables interactive testing of native and hybrid mobile apps on real iOS and Android devices.
  • Screenshots and Responsive Testing: Helps in testing the UI across multiple devices and resolutions with automated screenshots and responsive design tests.

BrowserStack is widely used by developers, QA teams, and even designers to quickly spot check and debug issues, ensuring that their applications are robust and perform well across all platforms.

Why You Should Consider BrowserStack Competitors?

Considering BrowserStack competitors can be beneficial for several reasons, offering alternatives that might better match specific needs, budgets, or preferences. Here are some reasons why you might consider looking into BrowserStack competitors:

  • Cost Efficiency: While BrowserStack offers a comprehensive suite of features, its pricing might not fit all budgets, especially for small startups or individual developers. Competitors might offer more cost-effective solutions or pricing plans that are more scalable depending on usage.
  • Feature Set: Different projects may require specific features that are not as well-supported by BrowserStack. Competitors may offer unique functionalities like advanced analytics, more tailored environments for specific development frameworks, or superior integration with certain third-party tools.
  • Performance and Reliability: Users might experience varying performance with BrowserStack, especially when accessing certain devices or during peak usage times. Alternatives might provide faster or more reliable service, especially if they offer servers closer to the user’s geographic location or more optimized infrastructure.
  • Customer Support and Community: The level of customer support can vary significantly between providers. Some users might prefer a vendor that offers more personalized support, quicker response times, or a more vibrant community for troubleshooting and learning.
  • Technology and Innovation: Depending on the focus and innovation trajectory of a competitor, they might offer newer technologies or cutting-edge tools that are better aligned with modern development practices or emerging industry standards.
  • Geographical Limitations: Some services might have better local compliance or data handling capabilities that are important in certain regions. For instance, businesses operating in Europe might prefer a tool that offers better GDPR compliance.
  • Simpler User Interface: The complexity of BrowserStack's interface might not suit all users. Competitors might offer simpler, more intuitive interfaces that could be easier for less technical users or teams with limited time to learn new tools.
  • Trial and Flexibility: Trying out different services can provide a sense of what each platform offers in terms of usability, features, and overall satisfaction. Some competitors might offer more flexible trial periods or demo options without requiring credit card details upfront.

Exploring BrowserStack competitors can help you find a tool that better matches your specific testing requirements, team dynamics, and business goals. This exploration might lead to discovering a platform that optimizes your workflow, improves test coverage, and ultimately contributes to delivering a higher-quality product.

Top BrowserStack Alternatives and Competitors

Let's dive into the list of best BrowserStack Alternatives:

Cross Browser Testing - TestComplete

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Cross Browser Testing by SmartBear is a cloud-based cross-browser testing tool that enables users to test their websites and web applications across over 1,500 real desktop and mobile browsers. The platform offers both manual and automation testing options (mobile testing, API testing), providing access to a vast array of browser versions and operating systems to ensure comprehensive coverage and compatibility.

BrowserStack vs Cross Browser Testing

Both BrowserStack and Cross Browser Testing provide platforms for testing web applications across a variety of devices and browsers. The main difference lies in their user interfaces, additional features, and the extent of device and browser combinations offered. BrowserStack generally provides a more extensive device lab, especially for mobile devices, whereas Cross Browser Testing offers strong capabilities in desktop browser testing. The choice between them may depend on specific testing needs, such as the focus on mobile versus desktop testing.

Sauce Labs

 Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs offers a cloud-based platform for automated testing of desktop and mobile applications. It supports multiple programming languages and frameworks, making it versatile for various testing needs. Sauce Labs is renowned for its comprehensive virtual environments and real device cloud that enable developers to scale tests efficiently across many environments.

BrowserStack vs. Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs is often considered to be a BrowserStack substitute. Both tools offer robust solutions for automated and manual testing across numerous browsers and devices. Sauce Labs often stands out for its support of open-source tools and a strong emphasis on continuous integration environments. BrowserStack, however, tends to be favored for its user-friendly interface and slightly broader range of real device availability. Both platforms offer extensive integration capabilities, so the choice might boil down to specific feature preferences or pricing structures.


lambda test

LambdaTest is a cloud-based platform that enables users to perform automated and manual testing of web and mobile applications across a range of browsers and operating systems. LambdaTest offers integration with various CI/CD tools, supporting a seamless DevOps flow. The platform provides features like live interactive testing, screenshot testing, responsive testing, and real-time browser compatibility testing. LambdaTest’s emphasis on a comprehensive testing suite and ease of integration makes it a popular choice for developers and QA professionals looking to streamline their testing processes.

LambdaTest vs BrowserStack

LambdaTest is compelling alternative to BrowserStack, it is considered more cost-effective, making it a popular choice for startups and smaller companies. LambdaTest also offers some unique features like smart visual UI testing and a highly flexible range of integrations with project management tools. BrowserStack, on the other hand, tends to have a broader real device lab and might be preferred by larger organizations that need a more extensive testing environment and have a higher budget.

Check also our guide on the Top LambdaTest Alternatives.



Perfecto by Perforce is a cloud-based platform for web, mobile, and IoT software testing that emphasizes continuous testing at scale. Perfecto offers a robust set of tools for automated testing, including AI-driven codeless testing options, which streamline the process for complex apps. The platform supports testing on real devices and browsers and integrates well with major testing frameworks and tools, enhancing its utility for professional development teams looking to automate and optimize their testing processes.

Perfecto vs BrowserStack

Perfecto is a strong alternative to BrowserStack that focuses strongly on mobile and IoT devices with advanced features like network virtualization, which helps simulate real-world mobile network conditions. This makes Perfecto especially valuable for organizations that prioritize mobile user experiences and require detailed testing under varied conditions. BrowserStack, while offering similar capabilities, is generally preferred for its comprehensive browser testing capabilities and extensive device coverage. The choice between BrowserStack and Perfecto may come down to specific needs regarding mobile testing sophistication and IoT device coverage.



TestingBot provides a secure and easy-to-use cloud environment to run Selenium WebDriver tests, Appium Mobile tests, and Visual tests. It offers manual and automated testing on a variety of browsers and devices, ensuring compatibility and performance across different platforms. TestingBot features include live interactive testing, visual testing, and CI/CD integration, aimed at improving the efficiency and accuracy of the testing process.

TestingBot vs BrowserStack

TestingBot and BrowserStack share many similarities in terms of functionality, offering both manual and automated testing solutions across a range of devices and browsers. Unlike BrowserStack, TestingBot has a strong emphasis on simplicity and user experience in its UI and customer service. It is also typically more economical, which can be an advantage for smaller teams or projects with limited budgets. BrowserStack, meanwhile, might edge out with a larger scale of operations, offering more extensive device access and additional features tailored for enterprise-level requirements.


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TestGrid offers a comprehensive suite of features for end-to-end mobile test automation, from app testing to load testing to API testing. It allows users to conduct both manual and AI based codeless automation on real devices hosted on the cloud, on-premise or in a hybrid manner.

With the AI-driven scriptless approach, you can easily automate Functional, Performance, Visual, and Compatibility testing.

BrowserStack vs TestGrid

When comparing BrowserStack and TestGrid, BrowserStack is renowned for its extensive device and browser coverage, user-friendly interface, and stable performance. However, TestGrid stands out with its advanced features and versatility. TestGrid provides end-to-end testing capabilities with scriptless AI-powered testing, ensuring thorough and efficient test automation. Additionally, TestGrid's unique infrastructure allows for real-time testing on actual devices, offering a more accurate and reliable testing environment. For organizations seeking a comprehensive, powerful, and cost-effective alternative, TestGrid emerges as the superior choice.

In summary, as we review these alternatives, it becomes clear that each platform offers a distinct set of features aimed at enhancing testing efficiency and effectiveness. From comprehensive test suites to support for real browsers and open-source frameworks, these top BrowserStack alternatives provide powerful tools for developers and testers aiming to push the quality of their applications to new heights.

BrowserStack Low Code Automation

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New BrowserStack's Low Code Automation tool is designed to simplify and accelerate the automation of web testing by enabling users with little to no coding skills to create and run automated tests. This innovative tool is ideal for developers, QA testers, and product managers who seek to reduce the manual burden of testing without delving into complex coding or infrastructure concerns.

Key Features and Benefits of BrowserStack Low Code Automation:

Intuitive Test Recorder:

  • Users can start by specifying the URL of the website to be tested. The tool then allows them to perform actions as they would during manual testing, while it automatically captures these actions as steps in an automated test.

Visual Validation:

  • This feature enables the user to add visual validations easily during the recording process, which helps in verifying complex assertions without complex scripting.

Intelligent Step Timeout:

  • The tool optimizes the waiting time for actions by automatically detecting the optimal timeout based on network requests and page navigations. This ensures that tests proceed only when elements are ready for interaction, enhancing test reliability.

Self-Healing Capabilities:

  • BrowserStack Low Code Automation can automatically update tests when application changes are detected. This self-healing mechanism ensures that tests remain resilient and reliable over time, reducing the need for manual test maintenance.

Cloud Execution:

  • Once tests are created, they can be assembled into test suites and executed directly on BrowserStack's cloud. This eliminates the need for local test infrastructure and allows for scalable test execution.

Testing on Development Environments:

  • The tool supports recording actions on internally hosted development environments and replaying them on the cloud, requiring minimal setup and facilitating early testing in the development cycle.

Who Can Benefit?

  • Developers looking to automate routine testing of new features quickly.
  • QA Testers aiming to transition from manual to automated testing without extensive training in automation scripts.
  • Product Managers and Business Analysts in smaller teams who need an effective, straightforward testing solution.

BrowserStack Low Code Automation stands out by offering an accessible, fast, and reliable way to automate testing workflows, significantly lowering the entry barrier to automation and helping teams enhance their productivity and software quality.

BugBug vs BrowserStack Low Code Automation

Feature BugBug BrowserStack
Pricing Freemium, $99/month (Pro), Custom (Enterprise) Starts at $39/month, Custom pricing for Enterprise
Real-time recording Yes Yes
Fix test by re-recording Yes No
Real cursor movement Yes Yes
Recording click Yes Yes
Unlimited local test runs Yes Yes
Custom JavaScript actions Yes Yes
Multiple environments Yes Yes
Smart clicks Yes No
Smart scroll Yes No
Unlimited users Yes Yes
Unlimited projects Yes Yes
Unlimited test runs Yes Yes
PDF reports Yes No
Integration with any CI/CD pipeline Yes Yes


When comparing BrowserStack's Low Code Automation tool to BugBug, it's important to look at both platforms in terms of their offerings, strengths, and weaknesses in the realm of low-code or no-code testing solutions. Here's a detailed comparison:

1. Feature Set

BrowserStack Low Code Automation:

  • Offers an intuitive test recorder that allows users to specify a URL and perform actions, which are then automatically converted into test steps.
  • Supports visual validation during the recording process for easier assertion of UI elements.
  • Features intelligent step timeouts based on network requests and page navigations.
  • Includes self-healing capabilities to automatically update tests when application changes are detected.
  • Allows tests to be executed in the cloud, leveraging BrowserStack's extensive infrastructure.
  • Enables testing on internally hosted development environments with minimal setup.


  • Also provides a no-code/low-code test recorder that captures user actions on the web.
  • Focuses on simplicity and ease of use, targeting users who might not be technically inclined.
  • Offers real-time test editing and debugging without the need to rerun tests from the start.
  • Provides visual testing capabilities to ensure the UI looks as expected on different devices and browsers.
  • Supports scheduling of tests and integrates with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Offers a cloud-based platform but with potentially less extensive device and browser coverage compared to BrowserStack.

2. Ease of Use

Both platforms aim to reduce the complexity associated with setting up and maintaining automated tests. However, BugBug is generally considered to have a more straightforward interface, potentially making it more suitable for smaller teams or less technical users. BrowserStack, while user-friendly, may have a steeper learning curve due to its more extensive range of features and settings.

3. Integration and Compatibility

BrowserStack excels in its ability to integrate with a wide range of CI/CD tools and supports a comprehensive array of devices and browsers. This makes it a good choice for larger organizations or projects where extensive testing across multiple environments is critical.

BugBug, while offering good integration capabilities, focuses more on providing a quick setup and ease of integration with popular tools, which may be more than sufficient for many users, particularly in smaller projects or organizations.

4. Pricing and Accessibility

Pricing structures differ between the two:

  • BrowserStack typically requires a subscription that might be on the higher end, reflecting its extensive device lab and advanced features.
  • BugBug offers a more accessible price point, which can be an attractive option for startups and smaller teams with tighter budgets.

5. Target Audience

BrowserStack Low Code Automation is well-suited for larger teams and organizations that require detailed, extensive testing across multiple platforms and devices. It's also beneficial for teams that need advanced features like self-healing tests and cloud execution.

BugBug, on the other hand, is ideal for smaller teams or individuals who need a straightforward, no-frills approach to automated web testing. It is particularly beneficial for those who are newer to automated testing or who operate with limited technical resources.

What is the Best Alternative to BrowserStack?

Each testing tool also brings its unique approach to user experience, with intuitive interfaces and streamlined processes that reduce the learning curve and enable faster deployment of tests. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, these tools offer scalable solutions that can adapt to your specific testing needs.

In summary, as we review these alternatives, it becomes clear that each platform offers a distinct set of features aimed at enhancing testing efficiency and effectiveness. From comprehensive test suites to support for real browsers and open-source frameworks, these top BrowserStack alternatives in 2024 provide powerful tools for developers and testers aiming to push the quality of their applications to new heights.

Happy (automated) testing!

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer

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