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Top Free Test Automation Tools for 2024

free test automation tools

Free software test automation tools, especially those in the realm of open source automation testing tools, have become indispensable in the landscape of modern software development. These tools excel in functional test scenarios, enabling developers and testers to create comprehensive test suites with ease.

Are you looking for free QA testing tools, or maybe you are searching for a new alternative to the currently used load and performance testing platform? In this guide, we will cover top open source testing frameworks and free test automation platforms for API, load testing and more!


  • This guide covers various free tool categories, including automation, API, web application, load, AI, A/B testing, and tree testing tools.
  • We also explore the benefits of open-source frameworks and free plans of commercial tools, emphasizing their importance in efficient and cost-effective software testing.

Check also:

Top 15 Codeless Automation Testing Tools for QA

Testing Tools for Web Application - The Ultimate Guide

Web Test Recorder - Which One Is The Best?

Free Automation Testing Tools

A key feature of these tools is their flexibility in test execution, covering a broad spectrum from performance testing to test management. They support scripting intricate test scripts tailored to the specific needs of the project. Notably, many open source tools offer robust support for web application testing in Ruby.

Their versatility extends to test web and mobile web environments, ensuring that both web applications and mobile apps are rigorously tested for functionality and performance. Furthermore, the integration of these tools in web testing amplifies their utility, allowing teams to efficiently test web applications across various browsers and platforms. The emergence of open-source frameworks has revolutionized the process of software testing, providing a powerful yet cost-effective software testing tool for developers and QA professionals alike.

Free API Testing Tools

API (Application Programming Interface) testing is crucial for ensuring that APIs function as expected and interact properly with other software components. If you're looking for free tools to help with API testing, here are several popular options that offer robust features without any cost.

Open-source API tools are essential for developers because they facilitate creating, testing, managing, and monitoring APIs at no cost while offering the flexibility to modify the tool as needed. Here are some prominent open-source API tools you might find useful across different stages of API development:



  • Description: A popular tool for API testing that allows for easy sending of requests, saving environments, and automating tests through scripting.
  • Features: Building and executing requests, writing test scripts, and automating testing through collections.



  • Description: An open-source tool mainly used for testing SOAP and REST APIs. It allows you to create complex requests and handle advanced API testing scenarios.
  • Features: Functional testing, performance testing, and security testing of APIs.



  • Description: A more streamlined alternative to Postman for REST and GraphQL. Known for its simple and intuitive interface, making API testing more efficient.
  • Features: Build requests and inspect responses, organize projects with Teams, and debug APIs.

Apache JMeter

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  • Description: Primarily a performance testing tool for web applications, JMeter can also be effectively used to test API performance and functionality.
  • Features: Load testing and functional testing capabilities, testing SOAP/REST web services.



  • Swagger UI: Allows you to visualize and interact with the API's resources without having any of the implementation logic in place.
  • Swagger Editor: Design, edit, and document RESTful APIs in the OpenAPI Specification.
  • Swagger Inspector: Test and generate OpenAPI documentation for any API.

These tools offer a range of functionalities from simple requests and response management to comprehensive testing, including performance, security, and documentation, fitting various needs in API development and testing.

Free Testing Tools for Web Applications

Website testing is essential for ensuring that your site is functional, user-friendly, and robust against potential issues. Here are five free tools that can help you test various aspects of your website efficiently:

Google Lighthouse


  • Type of Testing: Performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, and more.
  • Description: Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. It can be run against any web page, public or requiring authentication. It provides audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.
  • How to Use: Available in Chrome DevTools, as a Chrome Extension, or as a Node module.



BrowserStack Live is meant for manual cross-browser testing or compatibility testing of web apps across different environments. It provides extensive coverage across device-browser-OS combinations from the latest to legacy models. Adhering to GDPR and SOC2, BrowserStack guarantees top-tier data security, establishing it as a globally trusted solution.

  • Extensive Device Coverage: Supports over 3,500 real devices, OS, and browser combinations

  • No Setup Required: Instant access to over 20,000 real devices with no setup or maintenance needed, allowing you to concentrate solely on testing.

  • Enhanced Security Measures: These utilize pristine real devices that are wiped clean t after each use, securely stored, and accessible only to authorized personnel.

    Check also our guide on the best BrowserStack Alternatives.



  • Type of Testing: Automation testing for functional and regression testing.
  • Description: Selenium is a powerful tool for controlling web browsers through programs and performing browser-based automation tasks efficiently. It supports multiple programming languages, browsers, and operating systems.
  • How to Use: Selenium tests can be written in Java, C#, Python, etc., and run directly in most modern web browsers.

Check also Selenium IDE vs BugBug.



  • Type of Testing: JavaScript testing framework focusing on simplicity.
  • Description: Jest is used by Facebook to test all JavaScript code including React applications. It's considered a zero-configuration testing framework and provides an instant feedback loop.
  • How to Use: It integrates well with React, Angular, and Vue.js, making it a good choice for developers working with these frameworks.



  • Type of Testing: Website speed and performance optimization.
  • Description: GTmetrix analyzes the load speed of your web pages and provides actionable recommendations on how to optimize them. It uses Google Page Speed and Yahoo YSlow to grade your site's performance and provides insights into what's affecting your page speed.
  • How to Use: Enter the URL of the site you want to test, and GTmetrix will return a detailed report.



  • Type of Testing: Security vulnerability detection.
  • Description: ZAP is an open-source web application security scanner. It helps you find security vulnerabilities in your web applications while you are developing and testing your applications.
  • How to Use: It's a desktop tool that can be used for manual security testing by those developing and testing web apps as well as for automated scanning.

These tools provide a comprehensive array of testing services from performance analysis to security vulnerabilities, helping ensure that your website performs well across all metrics and is secure against potential threats.

Best Free Load Testing Tools for Web Applications

Load testing is critical for ensuring that a web application can handle expected traffic volumes and maintain performance under stress. Here are some of the best free load testing tools available that can help you evaluate the performance and scalability of your web applications:

Apache JMeter

apache jmeter.png

  • Description: Apache JMeter is an open-source software designed for load testing and measuring performance. Originally developed for testing web applications, JMeter has expanded to other test functions. It can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, network, or object to test its strength or analyze overall performance under different load types.
  • Features: Supports various protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. It also allows for multiple load injectors to be managed from a single control point.



  • Description: Gatling is a high-performance load testing framework based on Scala, Akka, and Netty, focused on web applications. It's known for its ability to create complex scenarios and its detailed performance reporting.
  • Features: Provides detailed performance reports, integrates with Continuous Integration tools, and supports HTTP protocols. It uses a DSL (domain-specific language) for test scripting, which is more user-friendly for developers familiar with programming.



  • Description: An open-source load testing tool written in Python. Locust allows you to define user behavior with Python code, making it flexible and easy to extend with custom features.
  • Features: It has a web-based UI to monitor the test's progress in real-time. Tests are defined as simple Python scripts, making it easy for developers who are familiar with Python.

The Grinder

the grinder.png

  • Description: A Java-based load testing framework that includes a graphical console application for managing the tests and a distributed testing architecture.
  • Features: Uses Jython (Python written in Java) to define test scripts, supports multiple protocols including HTTP, JDBC, LDAP, SOAP, JMS, and POP3.


  • Description: Artillery is a modern, powerful & easy-to-use solution for load testing and functional testing. It is designed for testing backend services such as APIs and microservices as well as websites.
  • Features: Can generate load with HTTP,, and WebSocket requests. It provides rich performance metrics and integrates easily with CI/CD pipelines.

These tools offer a variety of approaches and features, making them suitable for different testing needs. Whether you prefer a GUI-based approach, a script-heavy tool, or an integration-friendly tool, there's likely a free option available that meets your requirements for conducting thorough load tests on your web applications.

Free AI Testing Tools

AI-based testing tools leverage artificial intelligence to enhance the testing process, providing capabilities like automated test generation, intelligent bug detection, and more efficient handling of complex test data. Here are some notable free AI-based testing tools that can assist in various stages of software development and testing:



Testim uses AI to speed up the creation of automated tests and improve their maintenance. It allows for the rapid generation of test scripts that adapt over time as the application changes. Testim offers a free trial and a limited free community version, which might be enough for small projects or to evaluate the platform.



Iit offers an innovative approach to testing by using AI to learn the typical usage patterns of your application and create regression tests automatically. It helps in catching unexpected changes. The community version is available for free and is open source.



Applitools provides visual AI testing tools to automatically validate the appearance of GUIs and detect visual regressions. Its Visual AI tool can compare screens down to the pixel level. Applitools offers a free tier with a limited number of visual test runs per month, suitable for small projects or personal use.



Mabl integrates AI into the end-to-end testing process to improve test creation, execution, and maintenance. It helps in identifying anomalies, understanding changes in the application, and auto-healing tests that would break due to minor UI changes. Mabl offers a free trial to test its capabilities.



ReportPortal is an AI-powered test automation dashboard that helps in analyzing test results through machine learning. It aggregates test data from various frameworks and provides insights and analytics. The tool is open source and free to use.



Functionize uses machine learning to create and maintain tests more efficiently. Its AI algorithms are designed to handle complex test environments and data sets, providing robust test solutions. They offer a free trial that can be utilized to explore the capabilities of the platform.



Eggplant can generate user interaction tests automatically by using AI to predict user paths through an application. While primarily a paid tool, they offer demos and might provide free trials for evaluation purposes.

These tools integrate AI technologies to varying degrees, from enhancing test automation scripts to providing AI-driven analytics and insights. These solutions can help teams achieve more reliable and efficient testing outcomes, especially in complex and rapidly changing environments.

Free AB Testing Tools

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better. Free tools for A/B testing can be very helpful for businesses, especially startups and small businesses, to improve their websites without a significant upfront investment. Here are some notable free A/B testing tools:

Optimizely X


Optimizely offers a free tier that includes basic A/B testing features. This platform is well-regarded for its user-friendly interface and powerful testing capabilities. While the free version has limitations, it's quite suitable for smaller scale experiments.

Visual Website Optimizer (VWO)


VWO provides a robust testing platform with a focus on ease of use. They offer a free trial that includes A/B testing capabilities. This can be a good option for those who want to try the service before committing to a paid plan.

AB Tasty


AB Tasty offers a free trial where you can explore their features, including A/B testing, funnel analysis, and more. The trial period is a good opportunity to see how the tool fits into your workflow.


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If you're an Amazon seller, Splitly offers A/B testing specifically for product listings on Amazon. It's useful for optimizing product prices, images, and features. While not entirely free, they do offer a free trial.

When choosing an A/B testing tool, consider the scale of your tests, the complexity of your testing needs, and how the tool integrates with your existing tech stack. While many tools offer free trials or limited free versions, these can be a great way to determine which tool suits your needs before making any financial commitment.

Free Tree Testing Tools

Tree testing is a usability technique used to evaluate the findability of topics in a website or app. It involves users navigating a text-based version of a site's structure without visual design elements. If you're looking for free tools to conduct tree testing, here are a few options:

  1. Optimal Workshop - Their Treejack tool is well-regarded for tree testing. They offer a limited free plan which might be useful for small projects or initial explorations.
  2. UserZoom - Offers a range of user experience research tools, including tree testing. They occasionally have free trials or limited free versions which could be suitable for small scale or one-off studies.
  3. UsabilityHub - Provides a platform for multiple types of user testing, including tree testing. They offer a basic free plan which can be good for simple studies or to understand the platform's capabilities.
  4. Xtensio - While primarily a tool for creating live documents and presentations, Xtensio allows you to build and test site structures with users. It's free for basic features.

Each tool has different strengths and limitations, so it may be worth trying a few to see which one best meets your needs for conducting effective tree testing.

Open-Source Test Automation - Key Features

Open-source test automation frameworks have gained popularity due to their cost-effectiveness and flexibility. These frameworks, such as Selenium, Appium, Cypress, and Playwright, provide a foundation for automating tests and offer a range of features and capabilities. However, it's important to consider the hidden costs that come with using these open-source tools.

Here's an overview along with their limitations:

  1. Free and Open-Source:
  • Pros: No cost for use, open for modifications and enhancements.
  • Cons: Limited support and no official customer service. Users often rely on community forums for help.
  1. Support for Multiple Languages and Environments:
  • Pros: Can be integrated into various development environments, flexible for different programming languages.
  • Cons: This flexibility can sometimes lead to complexity in setup and configuration.
  1. Automation of Repetitive Tasks:
  • Pros: Helps in reducing manual effort in repetitive testing tasks.
  • Cons: Initial setup and script development can be time-consuming.
  1. Cross-Platform and Cross-Browser Testing:
  • Pros: Allows testing on multiple operating systems and browsers.
  • Cons: Ensuring compatibility across all platforms and browsers can be challenging and resource-intensive.
  1. Integration with Other Tools:
  • Pros: Facilitates streamlined development and testing process.
  • Cons: Integration complexities and conflicts can arise with different tools and versions.
  1. Community Support:
  • Pros: Strong community support, with forums and extensive documentation.
  • Cons: Support may not be as prompt or reliable as dedicated customer service.
  1. Customizability:
  • Pros: Highly customizable to suit specific project needs.
  • Cons: Requires a good level of technical expertise to modify and customize effectively.
  1. Various Testing Types Supported:
  • Pros: Capable of handling different types of testing like unit, integration, functional, etc.
  • Cons: It may not be as specialized in certain areas compared to dedicated tools.

The limitations of these frameworks often revolve around the need for technical expertise, potential integration challenges, and the lack of formal support channels. These factors can sometimes make them less suitable for organizations without the necessary in-house technical capabilities or those requiring more structured support.

Check also Test Coverage in Software Testing.

Open Source Test Automation Frameworks


Selenium is one of the best open-source automation testing tools, primarily used for web application testing, including web apps built in Ruby. As a top open-source test automation framework, it supports the creation of test scenarios and test runs for various browsers. Selenium is renowned for parallel testing capabilities, meeting a wide range of testing needs. It's a free test automation solution that integrates seamlessly with other automated testing tools. Being open source, Selenium tools are frequently updated, ensuring robust and current testing capabilities.

Key Features:

  1. Web Application Testing: Primarily used for web application testing, including those built in Ruby.
  2. Test Scenario and Run Creation: Supports creating test scenarios and runs for various browsers.
  3. Parallel Testing Capabilities: Known for its ability to conduct parallel tests, meeting diverse testing needs.
  4. Integration with Other Tools: Seamlessly integrates with other automated testing tools.
  5. Frequent Updates: Being open-source, it is regularly updated for robust testing.


  • Steep Learning Curve: This can be complex for beginners to learn and use effectively.
  • Limited Mobile Testing: Not natively designed for mobile application testing.
  • Browser-Specific Issues: Sometimes face challenges with browser compatibility and updates.



Appium, a well-known open-source testing framework, extends Selenium's capabilities to mobile, making it a comprehensive automation testing framework for both web and mobile applications. It supports users to test across different platforms, including iOS and Android and is free for use. Appium facilitates the testing of web apps in Ruby and other languages, integrating UI testing and API testing. This open-source automation testing framework is ideal for scenarios where the same test needs to be run across multiple devices. Appium's approach to automation testing tools is open source ensuring that it remains a popular choice.

Key Features:

  1. Mobile and Web App Testing: Extends Selenium's capabilities to both mobile and web.
  2. Cross-Platform Testing: Enables testing across various platforms, including iOS and Android.
  3. UI and API Testing Integration: Integrates UI testing and API testing for comprehensive coverage.
  4. Multi-Device Testing: Ideal for running the same test across multiple devices.
  5. Open Source: Free to use and part of the open-source community.


  • Performance: May exhibit slower performance compared to native tools.
  • Complex Setup: Setup and configuration can be complex for new users.
  • Limited Advanced Mobile Features: This may not support some advanced mobile-specific functions.


JUnit Plugin for Jenkins

JUnit, a unit testing framework for Java, is a fundamental part of the process of testing software, especially for Java-based applications. It's recognized as one of the best open-source testing tools for Java, offering a structured way to create test cases. As an open-source framework, JUnit is free for use and is essential in test-driven development. It enhances test reporting and supports automation testing tools open source, making it a vital part of Java developers' toolkit. Being a top open-source unit testing framework, JUnit is continuously updated and maintained

Key Features:

  1. Java Unit Testing: A dedicated unit testing framework for Java applications.
  2. Structured Test Case Creation: Offers a structured approach to creating test cases.
  3. Test-Driven Development: Essential in test-driven development methodologies.
  4. Test Reporting: Enhances test reporting capabilities.
  5. Continuous Updates: Consistently updated as an open-source tool.


  • Java-Specific: Limited to Java, not suitable for other programming languages.
  • Basic UI: The user interface is basic, lacking interactive features.
  • Limited to Unit Testing: Primarily focuses on unit testing, not broader test types.



Cypress is an innovative open-source test automation framework, rapidly becoming a top choice for web application testing, especially for modern JavaScript applications. It is recognized as one of the best open-source automation testing tools for UI testing and end-to-end testing of web applications. Cypress allows test runs to be executed directly in the browser, offering real-time feedback and faster test development. This open-source automation testing framework is free for use and excels in creating test scenarios for web apps. Cypress's unique approach to testing across multiple machines and browsers makes it stand out in the automated testing tools landscape.

Key Features:

  1. Modern Web App Testing: Ideal for testing modern JavaScript web applications.
  2. UI and End-to-End Testing: Excels in UI and end-to-end testing for web applications.
  3. Browser-Based Test Runs: Allows direct execution of tests in the browser.
  4. Test Scenario Creation: Efficient at creating test scenarios for web applications.
  5. Multi-Machine and Browser Testing: Unique in testing across multiple machines and browsers.


  • JavaScript Only: Limited to JavaScript, not suitable for other programming languages.
  • Browser Limitations: Limited support for browsers other than Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
  • No Native Mobile Testing: Not designed for native mobile application testing.



Playwright is a modern open-source automation testing framework primarily aimed at websites. It has quickly gained popularity for its robust handling of modern web app features, including complex single-page applications. The playwright's ability to perform headless testing across multiple browsers and its automatic waiting mechanism significantly reduce test flakiness. Its capabilities extend to network interception and rich event handling, making it suitable for testing dynamic web applications. However, its relatively new presence in the market and focus on JavaScript may pose challenges for teams entrenched in other languages or frameworks. Despite these limitations, Playwright is emerging as a top choice among testing tools for websites, especially for those prioritizing speed and reliability in automated testing.

Key Features:

  1. Keyword-Driven Approach: Accessible for non-programmers due to its keyword-driven nature.
  2. Versatile Testing: Suitable for UI, API, and robotic process automation testing.
  3. Web, Mobile, and Desktop Testing: Supports testing across web, mobile, and desktop platforms.
  4. Load and Stress Testing: Offers capabilities for load and stress testing.
  5. Open Source: Free to use and adaptable to various testing needs.


  • Complexity in Large Projects: Can become cumbersome in large-scale projects.
  • Less Control in Complex Scenarios: Limited control for complex test scenarios.
  • Basic Reporting: Reporting features are basic compared to more advanced tools.

Free Codeless Automation Testing Tools

Free Plans of Commercial Tools

Apart from open-source frameworks, which are designed more for developers and experienced QA engineers, you can find many commercial testing tools. These tools are often codeless solutions, therefore less technical team members can still profit from test automation. Test creation is done with intuitive user interfaces, however those platforms come with a cost. Some of them are offering standard 14-day trial periods or free plans, which are limited to basic features. BugBug stands out as a tool with the best Freemium plan on the market. Let's explore more free testing options.

BugBug - The Best Free Forever Plan


BugBug stands out as one of the best web testing tools on the market, all without the need for coding. This tool, designed with a Chrome extension, simplifies the process by recording and replaying user actions on websites. It offers robust features like parallel execution, detailed reporting, and seamless integrations, making it a perfect fit for startups, software agencies, and e-commerce businesses. is especially beneficial for those looking to maintain the quality of their web applications or websites without the burden of repetitive manual testing.

The platform's Free Forever plan is a testament to its commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, offering an array of features for free:

  • Unlimited Tests: Overcome restrictions on test numbers for comprehensive application coverage.
  • Unlimited Local Test Runs: Test extensively to ensure application robustness and readiness.
  • Unlimited Suites: Organize tests effectively into distinct suites for better management.
  • Unlimited Users: Promote collaboration with an unrestricted user environment.
  • 7-Day Test History: Keep track of testing progress with a week-long history.

BugBug provides a trial Pro plan for 14 days. After the first two weeks, your plan will be downgraded to Freemium, which is still packed with advanced features.



Autify provides a 14-day free trial. However, it's important to note that after this trial period ends, users can no longer run tests, but can still view and create scenarios.

  • Support for Web and Mobile: Autify supports testing for web apps and native iOS and Android applications.
  • Parallel Execution: The number of parallel executions depends on the subscription plan.
  • Cross-Browser Testing: Supports the latest stable versions of browsers like Chrome and Edge.
  • Support: Includes business hours support for all plans, with the level of support varying based on the subscription.

The key difference between BugBug and Autify is that BugBug offers a more extensive free plan with unlimited tests and test runs, whereas Autify's free offering is primarily a trial period with limited post-trial capabilities. Check also our Autify Alternatives list.



Testim's Community Plan offers a free solution for automated UI testing, catering to individuals and smaller teams. It includes 1,000 test runs per month, either on their grid or locally, which allows users to start with automated, AI-powered stable tests. The plan emphasizes fast authoring of tests and provides basic features necessary for efficient automated testing.

BugBug vs Testim

  • Test Runs Limitation: Testim's Community Plan limits users to 1,000 test runs per month, whereas BugBug offers unlimited tests and local test runs.
  • Target Audience: Testim's Community Plan seems to be more tailored towards individual users or small teams starting with test automation, while BugBug's plan, with its unlimited tests and users, is more suitable for startups and small to medium businesses.
  • Ease of Use: Both platforms emphasize ease of use, but BugBug specifically highlights its Chrome extension for recording and replaying user actions, which is user-friendly for non-technical users.
  • Collaboration Features: BugBug's plan allows for unlimited users, which may be more conducive to collaboration in team environments compared to Testim's offer.

Check also our curated list of Testim Alternatives.

Ghost Inspector

ghost inspector

Ghost Inspector vs BugBug

Ghost Inspector offers a 14-day free trial, providing full access to its automated UI testing features for websites and web applications. This trial allows users to create tests quickly without the need for coding skills.

  • Ease of Use: Both offer user-friendly interfaces, but BugBug emphasizes its Chrome extension for recording user actions.
  • Advanced Features: Ghost Inspector provides more advanced options like CI integration and responsive testing, whereas BugBug focuses on its robust feature set within its free plan.
  • Testing Capabilities: Ghost Inspector offers a comprehensive suite of testing types, including visual and end-to-end testing, compared to BugBug's focus on recording and replaying user actions.
  • Integration Options: Ghost Inspector has a strong emphasis on integrations for streamlined workflow.
  • Accessibility: BugBug is known for its unlimited tests and user accessibility in its free plan, while Ghost Inspector provides a rich feature set during its free trial period.

Check also Ghost Inspector Alternatives.


rainforest qa

Rainforest QA (manual and automation testing tool for web and desktop), in contrast to BugBug, does not offer a free trial, making it more suitable for teams that are ready to commit to a paid solution from the start. Unlike BugBug's Free Forever plan, which includes unlimited tests, local test runs, suites, and users, Rainforest QA's approach is geared towards providing a mix of automated and manual testing capabilities, albeit within the constraints of its paid plans. Rainforest QA's platform stands out for its no-code test automation solution, allowing users with varying technical skills to create and execute automated test cases. This is different from BugBug, which emphasizes ease of use with its Chrome extension-based recorder for recording and replaying user actions on websites. Additionally, Rainforest QA's use of a community of human testers for manual testing provides a unique advantage in capturing more subjective elements of user experience, which might not be fully addressed by BugBug's automated testing focus.

Check the list of the best Rainforest QA Alternatives.

Final Thoughts

Comparatively, BugBug's Free Forever plan stands out with its unlimited tests, local test runs, suites, and users, along with a 7-day test history. This plan seems particularly well-suited for startups, software agencies, and e-commerce businesses looking for comprehensive application coverage without the restrictions on test numbers and user environment limitations.

Each of these tools has unique features and limitations in their free offerings, making them suitable for different use cases and organization sizes. For instance, RainforestQA with its limited monthly testing hours might be suitable for smaller projects or teams needing a mix of automated and manual testing. Testim's focus on startups and its offering of advanced features in the Professional plan for eligible startups makes it a strong contender for small, rapidly growing software companies.

Happy (automated) testing!

Speed up the entire testing process now

Automate web app testing easier than ever. Without excessive costs. Faster than coding. Free forever.

Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer

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