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How to Create Test Cases for Login Page?

test cases for login page

The login page is often the first line of interaction between a user and an application, making it a critical component of web and mobile platforms. This page not only grants access to the user but also safeguards sensitive data. Consequently, meticulous testing of the login page is paramount to ensure a seamless and secure user experience. This article delves into the significance of crafting comprehensive test cases for login pages, highlighting various scenarios including positive and negative cases, performance, security, and specific cases like SQL injection, Gmail login, and mobile applications.

The Importance of Test Cases for Login Pages

Test cases are structured scenarios used to validate the functionality, performance, and security of a login page. They are essential for identifying potential errors, ensuring that the login process is intuitive, efficient, and, above all, secure. Well-designed test cases not only help in detecting bugs but also contribute to user trust and compliance with data protection regulations.

Functional Test Scenarios for the Login Page

Functional test scenarios focus on testing the core functionality of the login page. These scenarios cover both positive and negative test cases to ensure that the login page performs as expected in various situations. Here are some examples of functional test scenarios for the login page:

  • Successful login with valid credentials: Test the login functionality by entering valid credentials and verifying that the user is successfully logged in.

  • Login with a valid username and case-insensitive password: Test the case-insensitivity of the password field by entering a valid username and password in different cases and checking if the login is successful.

  • Successful login with a remembered username and password fields: Test the functionality of the "Remember Password" feature by logging in with a remembered username and password and verifying that the login is successful.

  • Successful login after password reset: Test the password reset functionality by resetting the password and verifying that the user can successfully log in with the new password.

  • Login from multiple devices simultaneously: Test the system's ability to handle multiple login sessions from different devices simultaneously without any issues.

  • Successful login using social media account integration: Test the integration with social media accounts by logging in using a social media account and verifying that the login is successful.

  • Successful login with special characters in the password: Test the system's ability to handle special characters in the password field and verify that the login is successful.

These functional test scenarios cover a wide range of login scenarios and ensure that the login page functions properly under different conditions.

Non-functional Security Test Cases for the Login Page

In addition to functional test scenarios, it is important to test the security aspects of the login page. Non-functional security test cases focus on ensuring the security of user data and preventing unauthorized access. Here are some examples of non-functional security test cases for the login page:

  • Implementation of HTTPS to ensure secure data transmission: Test if the login page uses HTTPS to encrypt data transmission and prevent unauthorized access.

  • Session timeout functionality for automatic logout after inactivity: Test if the login session automatically times out and logs the user out after a specified period of inactivity.

  • Implementation of account lockout after a specified number of unsuccessful login attempts: Test if the system locks the user's account after a specified number of unsuccessful login attempts to prevent brute-force attacks.

  • Captcha verification for preventing automated bot attacks: Test if the login page includes a CAPTCHA verification to prevent automated bot attacks and ensure that only human users can log in.

  • Password complexity requirements to ensure strong user credentials: Test if the login page enforces password complexity requirements, such as a minimum length, the inclusion of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Secure handling of password reset functionalities: Test if the password reset functionality securely handles the process of resetting a user's password and prevents unauthorized access.

  • User account activity monitoring for detecting suspicious behavior: Test if the system monitors user account activity and detects any suspicious behavior, such as multiple login attempts from different locations or unusual login patterns.

These non-functional security test cases ensure that the login page is secure and protects user data from unauthorized access.

UI Test Scenarios for the Login Page

UI test scenarios focus on testing the user interface aspects of the login page. These scenarios ensure that the login page is visually appealing, intuitive to use, and provides a seamless user experience. Here are some examples of UI test scenarios for the login page:

  • Verify field validations: Test if the username and password input fields are present on the page and accept valid credentials.

  • Verify error messages: Test if the input fields display appropriate validation messages when both the username and password fields are empty or contain invalid data.

  • Verify the functionality of the "Remember Password" checkbox: Test if the "Remember Password" checkbox retains its selected/unselected state after the page reloads and if it stores user credentials for future sessions.

  • Verify the "Forgot Password" functionality: Test if the "Forgot Password" link is present and functional, allowing users to reset their passwords securely.

  • Verify the "Create an account" link: Test if the "Create an Account" link is present and functional, allowing users to create new accounts easily.

  • Verify the visibility of elements: Test if all the necessary elements, such as input fields, buttons, and links, are visible and properly positioned on the login page.

  • Verify the responsiveness of the UI: Test if the login page is responsive and displays correctly on different screen sizes, including desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

  • Verify compatibility with different browsers: Test if the login page displays correctly and functions as expected on different web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer.

These UI test scenarios ensure that the login page is visually appealing, user-friendly, and provides a seamless experience across different devices and browsers.

Performance Test Cases for the Login Page

Performance test cases focus on testing the performance and efficiency of the login page. These test cases ensure that the login page responds quickly, handles concurrent user requests effectively, and performs well under different load conditions. Here are some examples of performance test cases for the login page:

  • Verify how the login page handles a specified number of concurrent users attempting to log in simultaneously: Test the performance of the login page by simulating a specified number of concurrent user login attempts and verifying that the page responds quickly and without any errors.

  • Measure and validate the time taken for the login page to respond to user inputs under normal and peak load conditions: Test the response time of the login page under normal and peak load conditions to ensure that it meets performance requirements.

  • Evaluate the number of successful logins the system can handle within a defined time frame: Test the system's capacity by measuring the number of successful logins it can handle within a specified time frame and ensuring efficient throughput.

  • Evaluate the system's stability over an extended period: Test the login page's stability by continuously logging in and out over an extended period, checking for memory leaks or performance degradation.

  • Test the performance when users attempt to log in with incorrect credentials: Test the system's performance when users attempt to log in with incorrect credentials, ensuring that it can handle authentication failures efficiently.

  • Simulate different network conditions: Test the login page's performance under different network conditions, including high latency or slow internet connections, to ensure that it performs well in real-world scenarios.

  • Monitor the utilization of system resources: Test the login page's resource utilization, such as CPU and memory usage, during login operations to identify potential bottlenecks and ensure optimal performance.

  • Verify login performance across various browsers: Test the login page's performance on different web browsers to ensure consistent and optimal user experience on different platforms.

These performance test cases ensure that the login page performs efficiently, responds quickly, and handles concurrent user requests without any performance issues.

Test Cases for CAPTCHA & Cookies

CAPTCHA and cookies play an important role in login page security and user experience. Test cases for CAPTCHA and cookies ensure that these features are implemented correctly and function as expected. Here are some examples of test cases for CAPTCHA and cookies on the login page:

Test Cases for CAPTCHA:

  • Verify whether the CAPTCHA is present on the login page: Test if the login page includes a CAPTCHA verification to prevent automated bot attacks and ensure that only human users can log in.

  • Verify if the CAPTCHA regenerates when required: Test if the CAPTCHA image regenerates when the user refreshes the page or requests a new CAPTCHA.

  • Check if there is an option to refresh the CAPTCHA image: Test if the login page provides an option to refresh the CAPTCHA image for users who have difficulty with the current one.

  • Check if the CAPTCHA validates the input and prevents login for invalid CAPTCHA: Test if the CAPTCHA validation correctly checks the user's input and prevents login when an incorrect CAPTCHA is entered.

  • Verify that the CAPTCHA has a reasonable timeout period: Test if the CAPTCHA has a reasonable timeout period to prevent expiration during user interaction.

  • Test if the CAPTCHA is accessible via alternative text or audio options: Test if the CAPTCHA is accessible to users with visual impairments or other disabilities by providing alternative text or audio options.

These test cases for CAPTCHA ensure that the login page effectively prevents automated bot attacks and provides a secure login process for human users.

Test Cases for Cookies:

  • Verify that the login page sets a cookie upon successful login: Test if the login page sets a cookie in the user's browser after a successful login.

  • Verify that the cookie lasts across multiple browser sessions: Test if the cookie remains valid and persists across multiple browser sessions until it expires.

  • Verify that the cookie deletes upon logout or session expiry: Test if the cookie is deleted from the user's browser upon logout or session expiry to ensure the security of user data.

  • Verify that the cookie is securely encrypted: Test if the cookie is securely encrypted to prevent unauthorized access to user data.

These test cases for cookies ensure that the login page correctly handles cookies, maintains session state, and protects user data.

Tips for Writing Better Test Cases

Writing effective test cases requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you write better test cases for a login page:

  • Understand the testing requirements: Before writing test cases, thoroughly understand the requirements of the login page and identify the key functionalities and potential risk areas.

  • Focus on specific functionality: Each test case should focus on testing a specific functionality to track and reproduce issues if they occur in the future.

  • Provide clear instructions: When creating test cases, write clear instructions for testing, including necessary test data, preconditions, and expected results.

  • Cover positive and negative scenarios: Cover both positive and negative scenarios in your test cases to ensure comprehensive testing of the login page's expected behavior.

  • Prioritize test cases: Prioritize your test cases based on risk, impact, and importance. Start with important functionalities or areas with high risks.

  • Ensure test case independence: Each test case should be independent and not impact the results of other test cases.

  • Use a combination of valid and invalid inputs: While testing, use a combination of valid and invalid inputs to ensure comprehensive testing of the login page's functionality.

  • Revise test cases: Revise the test cases whenever the software is updated to ensure they remain relevant and up to date.

  • Automate repetitive test cases: Automate repetitive and time-consuming test cases to execute tests faster, improve coverage, and reduce human error.

  • Use clear and meaningful names: Use short and meaningful names for test cases and ensure they are well-documented for easy reference.

  • Test Case ID: Unique IDs prevent the accidental duplication of test cases, ensuring that each test case serves a distinct purpose and that testing efforts are not wasted on redundant tests.

By following these tips, you can create effective test cases that thoroughly test the login page and ensure its functionality, security, and user experience.

When to Automate Test Cases?

Test automation can be a valuable tool in the testing process, particularly for repetitive and time-consuming test cases. Here are some situations where test automation can be beneficial for login page testing:

  • Repetitive execution: If a test case needs to be executed repeatedly, test automation can save time and effort by automating the execution process.

  • Multiple test cases: If you have a large number of test cases to execute, manual execution can be time-consuming. Test automation can help streamline the testing process and ensure consistent results.

  • Regression testing: Test automation is particularly useful for regression testing, where you need to ensure that important functionalities remain unchanged after system updates or code changes.

  • Complex test scenarios: Test automation can help simulate complex user interactions, manage large datasets, and perform precise calculations or verifications, making it ideal for testing complex test scenarios.

  • Load and performance testing: Test automation can be used to simulate high user volumes and stress the system under different load conditions, helping you identify performance issues and bottlenecks.

  • Cross-platform and cross-browser testing: If your application needs to be tested across different platforms and browsers, test automation can streamline the testing process and ensure consistent results.

When considering test automation, it is important to choose the right tool for your testing needs. BugBug is a great choice for test automation, offering features like end-to-end web automation. With its no-code approach, you can easily build complex tests using simple English, making test case creation faster and more efficient.


Writing effective test cases for a login page is essential to ensure system security, functional accuracy, and a seamless user experience. By covering various scenarios, inputs, and user interactions, you can uncover potential vulnerabilities, guarantee a robust login mechanism, and enhance the overall security of your application.

By following the guidelines and examples provided in this article, you can create comprehensive test cases that cover functional, security, UI, and performance aspects of the login page. Remember to prioritize your test cases based on risk and importance, provide clear instructions, and consider automation for repetitive and time-consuming test cases.

With thorough testing and well-designed test cases, you can ensure that your login page provides a secure and seamless login experience for your users.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a test case for a password field?

When writing test cases for a password field, it is important to consider various scenarios and requirements. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Define the requirements: Understand the password field's requirements, such as minimum length, character restrictions, and complexity requirements.

  • Create positive and negative test cases: Write test cases to validate the password field's behavior in both valid and invalid scenarios. For example, test cases can include entering passwords with the required complexity, passwords that do not meet the complexity requirements, and empty passwords.

  • Test edge cases: Include edge cases in your test cases to ensure that the password field handles extreme scenarios correctly. For example, test cases can include entering the maximum allowed length password, passwords with special characters, and passwords that exceed the maximum length.

  • Test error handling: Validate that the system displays appropriate error messages when the user enters an invalid password. Test cases can include entering passwords with incorrect formats or violating complexity requirements.

  • Validate password strength: In addition to basic validation, test cases can include checking if the system properly assesses the strength of the password based on the defined criteria.

  • Test password reset functionality: If the system has a password reset functionality, include test cases to validate its behavior. This can include scenarios like resetting the password and verifying that the new password meets the complexity requirements.

By following these steps, you can create comprehensive and effective test cases for a password field.

How do I create a login test case?

Creating login test cases involves understanding the login page's functionality and requirements and designing test cases to validate its behavior. Here are the steps to create login test cases:

  • Identify the key functionalities: Understand the login page's key functionalities, such as accepting username and password inputs, validating credentials, and granting access to the system.

  • Define positive test cases: Write test cases to validate the login page's behavior when valid credentials are entered. This can include test cases for successful login with valid credentials, case-insensitive password validation, and successful login with remembered username and password fields.

  • Define negative test cases: Write test cases to validate the login page's behavior when invalid credentials are entered. This can include test cases for unsuccessful login with invalid username and password, login with a blank username and password, and login with an expired account.

  • Test error handling: Include test cases to validate the login page's error handling behavior. This can include test cases for displaying appropriate error messages for invalid credentials, expired accounts, or locked accounts due to multiple unsuccessful attempts.

  • Test additional functionalities: If the login page has additional functionalities like password reset or account creation, include test cases to validate their behavior. This can include test cases for password reset functionality, account creation, and verification of confirmation messages.

  • Test UI and user experience: Include test cases to validate the login page's user interface and user experience. This can include test cases for field validations, error messages, visibility of elements, responsiveness on different devices, and compatibility with different browsers.

By following these steps and considering the login page's requirements and functionalities, you can create comprehensive and effective test cases for the login page.


Creating comprehensive test cases for login pages is a critical step in application development. It not only ensures functionality and performance but also fortifies security measures, providing a safe and user-friendly experience. By considering various scenarios -- from positive and negative cases to performance, security, and specific use cases like mobile applications -- developers and testers can ensure that the login page serves as a robust gateway, safeguarding both the user and the application.

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Technical Writer

Dominik Szahidewicz is a technical writer with experience in data science and application consulting. He's skilled in using tools such as Figma, ServiceNow, ERP, Notepad++ and VM Oracle. His skills also include knowledge of English, French and SQL.

Outside of work, he is an active musician and pianist, playing in several bands of different genres, including jazz/hip-hop, neo-soul and organic dub.

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