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Testing Tools for Web Application - Website Testing Guide for 2024

Testing Tools for Web Application


  • In this article we will cover the significance of choosing the proper testing platform to execute automated tests in web applications.
  • Learn all about types of testing platforms and criteria for choosing the right tool for your business.
  • The article also reviews several popular testing tools, including BugBug, Selenium, TestCafe, Cypress, TestComplete, Mabl, Rainforest QA, Ghost Inspector, Katalon, and TestRigor, highlighting their key features, strengths, shortcomings, and best use cases.

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Website Testing Tools - Use Cases

Testing tools for web page and applications play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of web applications. In the dynamic field of application development, utilizing the best tools for automated testing can significantly enhance the efficiency of software testing efforts. Web application testing tools help test web applications across various browsers, devices, and platforms, ensuring that they function correctly and provide a seamless user experience. Automated web testing tools are designed to handle a range of testing capabilities, from unit testing and automated regression testing to end-to-end automated testing, thereby speeding up the testing process and reducing testing time.

Those 3 areas cover the 6 most used testing types which are as follows (in alphabetical order):

We will cover all those in detail later in the article. Basically, a proper testing process aims to check whether the web app of our design works properly, looks as designed and is safe for its users.

How to Choose Best Web Testing Tools?

It is definitely tempting to use the easiest approach possible - more money you have, more sophisticated tools you need to use. This is definitely not the case nowadays. The no-code and low-code software does its job just fine, and financial resources definitely don’t need to be the main factor taken into consideration.

Nevertheless, choosing a testing strategy should be a result of carefully weighing both development and business aspects of an app.

Criteria for choosing an automation tool for web application

Choosing the right web application testing tools is essential to ensure the quality, performance, and reliability of your web applications. As we move into 2024, several criteria must be considered to select the most suitable testing tools for your needs.

Compatibility and Coverage: One of the foremost criteria is the ability of the testing tool to perform testing on various browsers, devices, and operating systems. This ensures that your web application provides a consistent user experience across different environments. Device testing capabilities are particularly important, given the diversity of devices used today.

Range of Testing Capabilities: Application testing tools are software applications designed to handle a wide range of testing tasks. These include unit testing, functional testing, performance testing, and automated regression testing. The best testing tools for 2024 should support these various testing needs to ensure comprehensive coverage of all possible scenarios.

Automation and Efficiency: Automating repetitive testing tasks is a critical feature to look for in testing tools. Automation not only speeds up the testing process but also enhances testing efficiency by reducing manual effort. Tools that support automated testing workflows help streamline the testing process, making it more efficient and reliable.

Integration and Ease of Use: Testing tools should integrate seamlessly with your existing development and CI/CD pipelines. Popular web application testing tools often provide robust APIs and plugins to facilitate this integration. Additionally, ease of use is a significant factor; tools that offer intuitive interfaces and comprehensive documentation can reduce the learning curve for your team.

Scalability and Performance: As your application grows, so will your testing needs. Therefore, it's important to choose testing tools that can scale with your application. They should handle increased testing loads without compromising performance. This scalability ensures that your application remains reliable even as it evolves and expands.

Support and Community: The support provided by the tool's developers and the community can be invaluable. Popular web application testing tools typically have strong community support, extensive documentation, and active forums. This can be particularly helpful for troubleshooting and getting the most out of the tool.

Cost and Licensing: Finally, consider the cost and licensing model of the testing tools. While some tools might offer a free tier or open-source options, others may require licensing fees. It's important to evaluate the cost in relation to the features offered and the potential return on investment in terms of improved testing efficiency and reduced time-to-market.

Types of Web Application Testing

Compatibility Testing

I can bet nuts versus dollars that “what browser are you using?” is the second most common question asked by web app helpdesks (the certain leader being “have you tried turning it off and on again?”). This question is more significant than this joke suggests. Making sure that your app runs properly on all (or at least on those that cover at least 99% of the market, we will use the term “all” for this article) web browsers, operating systems and devices is crucial to your business.

One of the key subsets of compatibility testing is cross-browser testing. It focuses on checking if all of the apps’ functionalities behave properly on all web browsers. These kinds of tasks are performed with tools that can emulate different real browsers to ensure that all users are able to see and perform all actions as designed. As cross-browser testing seems to be the crucial point for web applications, it is not the only important aspect. Especially for the client base from emerging markets, checking all operational systems is also significant.

Functionality Testing

We could easily say that functionality testing ensures that the app does what it was supposed to be doing. There is much more to that though. The tester may and of course will rely on different scripts prepared for a given app, but in this aspect one needs to keep an open mind in a continuous testing manner. Think of the unthinkable, think of the least probable or - let’s be honest - the dumbest thing the user may do with your app, and then try to do it and watch what happens.

Will the app allow you to book a car for -2 days? I did it once, my booking was recognized as to be 999 years long and cost more than a yearly budget of a small country. A simple case - called the boundary condition in testers’ slang - that should result in an error notification was not handled properly during functionality testing.

There is more than just flooding forms with random data while using data driven testing. A well designed functional testing tool will assist you in making sure all links are active and redirecting to proper URLs. Those will also check if HTML and CSS are valid as well as test the proper data gathered by cookies.

Interface Testing

When it comes to the word interface, one would sense that interface testing has a lot to do with UX/UI. Our typology defines this type of testing as checking whether the connection between the three layers of an app cooperates with each other properly. Those layers are: the application itself, the web server and the database.

The web app testing tools that perform such actions will require feeding with test data as well as test results (especially for database testing). Those tests also check whether proper error messages are displayed if the connections fail. You have to recognize the level of sophistication for interface testing, since all of those need to be able to test applications created in different programming languages.

Performance Testing

We have already checked how our app behaves on different web browsers and operating systems (compatibility testing). The time is now to test how it works in various circumstances. Of course from the business perspective we would like to have as many users as possible, but would the app withstand the pressure? How much would the user be influenced by a poor internet connection? From the testers’ perspective - if you like to break things, performance testing will be your favourite.

The term that is most recognized in this matter is stress testing. Basically it means that tools flood your application with a defined number of virtual users at the same time and check what would be the breaking point. Another key piece of information would be - how does the app react to this breakdown? Is it able to recover on its own, or does it require human help? Other tactics include load testing, spike testing or soak testing.

Security testing

Well now that's a biggie. Long story short - during security testing we need to confirm that your application is safe to its users. Even the simplest CRUD application stores data, which makes it vulnerable to manual and automated attacks. Regardless of the reason behind it, someone wants to interfere or damage your database, using Cross-Site Scripting for example. This has huge business implications for your app - your business image will suffer, you may end up losing money, even your clients may end up losing money if their credit card data is endangered.

Providing security features for your database and payment process is not the only reason behind this type of testing. One will also be required to verify the registration and login processes plus whether the credentials for specific URLs and file downloads are valid and properly used. After the login process is complete, is the user able to perform all the actions he needs to? Even more important - does the app forbid the user from performing tasks that are for example restricted to admins? All of those and much more can be performed by a vast number of available testing tools.

UI Testing

This is the UI automation testing that requires as much skills as common sense. In this process you check if all the elements are visible properly and are consistent. Tools and manual labour are required to verify if the content is consistent with the copywriters’ work.

This process requires the knowledge of current design trends, your own marketing and communication strategy as well as the industry standards for web and app design. Not to mention that a good tester and a proper testing tool will recognize the design specifics for different markets and cultures.

Data-driven Testing

Data-driven testing (DDT) is a methodology in web application testing where test scripts are executed with multiple sets of input data to validate various functionalities and scenarios. This approach helps ensure the web application behaves as expected with different data inputs and edge cases.

Types of Testing Tools for Web Applications Test Automation

The easiest way to divide Web Applications testing tools is the level of skills required to run the tests. The current tendency to lower the entry requirements needed to enter the IT environment has reached testing too. There are more and more low-code and no-code tools out there, but let’s come back to the typology.

No-code automation testing tools - little to none testing background is required to use those, some of those work on drag and drop basis, others ask the testers some simple questions and do the work in the background. The only requirement to use those seems to have some sense about the IT sector such as understanding what a form is etc.

Such tools are great for cross-browser testing. By using the drag and drop feature you can easily set up test scripts that tools like Functionize will use to verify whether your app runs smoothly on multiple web browsers.

Low-code automation testing tools - those require some level of testing expertise and more thorough understanding than no-code. They usually consist of pre-build templates or modules that the user needs to modify in order to achieve the final, individual testing scenario.

BugBug for example offers an intuitive recording interface. It requires a few minutes to set up but can be reused repeatedly to reduce the number of repetitive tasks within testing your web app.

Advanced code-based tools - the full package. You need to be an actual tester in order to use those. This is the most flexible and individual way of testing apps, but it requires trained personnel and much more time to achieve success.

One of the most popular tools is Selenium. It is an open-source tool that works in multiple programming languages.

Best Website Testing Tools in 2024

BugBug - User-Friendly Web Testing Tool


BugBug is a web application testing tool that uses a Chrome extension to record and replay user actions. It supports parallel execution, reporting, and integrations. Designed for startups, software agencies, and e-commerce businesses, helps maintain web app quality without repetitive manual testing. It offers a free plan with features like unlimited tests and test runs, and a paid plan with advanced functionalities. The user-friendly interface allows for quick setup, while advanced features include built-in variables, CI/CD integration, JavaScript actions, intelligent automation, and test scheduling.

Key Features:

  • Chrome extension for recording and replaying
  • Parallel execution and reporting
  • CI/CD integration and public APIs
  • Local and cloud-based test runs
  • Test scheduling and smart waiting conditions


  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive free plan
  • Advanced testing features
  • Suitable for various business sizes


  • Advanced features may require a paid plan

Best Use Cases:

  • Startups and software agencies
  • E-commerce businesses
  • Teams needing efficient web app testing



Selenium is a widely-used open-source framework for automating web browsers. It supports multiple programming languages, including Java, C#, and Python, and is compatible with various browsers and operating systems. Selenium WebDriver allows for complex and customizable test scripts, making it a favorite among developers for web app testing.

Key Features:

  • Supports multiple programming languages
  • Cross-browser and cross-platform testing
  • Integration with various tools and frameworks
  • Robust and flexible test scripts


  • Highly customizable
  • Strong community support
  • Wide adoption and extensive documentation
  • Free and open-source


  • Steep learning curve for beginners
  • Requires programming knowledge
  • Limited support for mobile testing

Best Use Cases:

  • Complex and large-scale web app testing
  • Teams with strong programming expertise
  • Projects requiring integration with other testing tools



TestCafe is a Node.js-based end-to-end testing tool for web applications. It provides a modern and straightforward approach to writing tests, eliminating the need for browser plugins. TestCafe supports ES6/ES7 JavaScript and TypeScript, making it accessible for developers familiar with these languages.

Key Features:

  • No need for browser plugins
  • Supports JavaScript and TypeScript
  • Built-in parallel test execution
  • Cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility


  • Easy setup and configuration
  • Modern syntax with ES6/ES7 support
  • Parallel test execution speeds up testing
  • Strong community and documentation


  • Limited mobile testing support
  • Less flexibility for highly customized test scenarios

Best Use Cases:

  • Web application testing with modern JavaScript frameworks
  • Teams familiar with Node.js and JavaScript/TypeScript
  • Projects needing quick setup and execution



Cypress is a modern front-end testing tool designed for web applications. It offers an all-in-one testing framework that provides a fast, reliable, and interactive testing experience. Cypress supports real-time reloads and automatic waiting, making tests more efficient and less flaky.

Key Features:

  • Real-time reloads and interactive debugging
  • Automatic waiting and consistent test execution
  • Built-in parallelization and CI integration
  • Detailed error messages and screenshots


  • Developer-friendly with a focus on simplicity
  • Fast and reliable test execution
  • Comprehensive documentation and community support
  • Excellent debugging capabilities


  • Limited support for cross-browser testing (primarily Chrome and Firefox)
  • No native support for mobile testing

Best Use Cases:

  • Front-end web application testing
  • Agile development environments
  • Teams prioritizing fast and reliable test execution


testcomplete screenshot

TestComplete is a commercial automated UI testing tool that supports functional and regression testing of desktop, web, and mobile applications. It offers both script and scriptless test creation options, making it versatile for different team needs.

Key Features:

  • Support for desktop, web, and mobile applications
  • Scripted and scriptless test creation
  • Integration with CI/CD tools
  • Powerful object recognition and reusable test components


  • Versatile and comprehensive testing capabilities
  • Easy for both technical and non-technical users
  • Strong support and extensive documentation
  • Reliable object recognition technology
  • Strong test management tool


  • High cost for small teams
  • Requires licensing
  • Can be resource-intensive

Best Use Cases:

  • Enterprise-level applications requiring comprehensive testing
  • Teams needing both scripted and scriptless testing options
  • Complex test scenarios involving multiple platforms



Mabl is an intelligent test automation platform that integrates with CI/CD pipelines to provide continuous testing capabilities. It uses machine learning to automatically maintain and update tests as applications evolve, making it suitable for fast-paced development environments.

Key Features:

  • Machine learning for test maintenance
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines
  • Visual regression testing
  • Cross-browser and cross-device testing


  • Advanced AI and machine learning capabilities
  • Seamless CI/CD integration
  • User-friendly interface
  • Continuous test maintenance and updates


  • Higher cost compared to some alternatives
  • Learning curve for advanced features

Best Use Cases:

  • Agile and DevOps environments
  • Teams requiring continuous testing and integration
  • Projects needing automated test maintenance

Rainforest QA

Rainforest qa 2024

Rainforest QA is a no-code automation tool specializing in functional and visual regression testing. It provides a simple interface for creating tests, making it accessible for non-technical users. Rainforest QA is highly scalable, suitable for large teams and projects with frequent testing needs.

Key Features:

  • No-code test creation
  • Visual regression testing
  • Scalable test execution
  • Integration with CI/CD tools


  • Easy to use for non-technical users
  • Highly scalable
  • Good for visual and functional testing
  • Quick test creation and execution


  • Limited customization for complex test scenarios
  • Higher cost for extensive use

Best Use Cases:

  • Large teams needing scalable testing solutions
  • Projects with frequent visual changes
  • Non-technical users creating and managing tests

Ghost Inspector

ghost inspector

Ghost Inspector is a cloud-based automated testing tool for web applications. It provides a visual approach to test creation and execution, allowing users to record and run tests directly from their browser. Ghost Inspector integrates with various CI/CD tools and provides detailed reporting and notifications.

Key Features:

  • Visual test creation and execution
  • Browser-based recording
  • Integration with CI/CD tools
  • Detailed reporting and notifications


  • Easy to use with visual test creation
  • Quick setup and execution
  • Comprehensive reporting
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines


  • Limited advanced customization options
  • Higher cost for large teams

Best Use Cases:

  • Web testing with a visual approach
  • Teams needing quick setup and execution
  • Integration with existing CI/CD pipelines



Katalon Studio is an all-in-one test automation solution for web, API, and mobile testing. It offers a user-friendly interface for codeless and code-based test creation. Katalon supports robust object identification and integrates well with CI/CD tools, making it versatile for various testing needs.

Key Features:

  • Codeless and code-based test creation
  • Web, API, and mobile testing support
  • Robust object identification
  • CI/CD integration


  • Versatile and comprehensive
  • User-friendly for both technical and non-technical users
  • Strong community support
  • Extensive integration capabilities


  • Can be resource-intensive
  • Higher learning curve for advanced features

Best Use Cases:

  • Teams needing a versatile automation solution
  • Web, API, and mobile testing
  • Projects requiring extensive integration capabilities



TestRigor is an AI-powered test automation tool that allows for plain English test script creation. It supports web, mobile, and API testing, making it accessible for users without programming knowledge. TestRigor integrates with various CI/CD tools and provides continuous testing capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Plain English test script creation
  • Web, mobile, and API testing
  • AI-powered test automation
  • CI/CD integration


  • Easy for non-technical users
  • AI enhances test accuracy and maintenance
  • Supports multiple platforms


  • Higher cost for extensive use
  • Limited advanced customization

Best Use Cases:

  • Non-technical users needing easy test creation
  • Projects requiring continuous testing
  • Teams needing AI-powered automation solutions

Web Application Testing Tools - Final Thoughts

The best tools for automated web testing in 2024 provide comprehensive testing solutions that cater to both web and mobile apps. They include functionalities for testing across different platforms and devices, ensuring that the web applications function correctly under various conditions. Top website testing tools are crucial in verifying that the web application's performance remains consistent and reliable. They also contribute to the overall efficiency of software testing by reducing manual intervention and enabling faster detection of issues.

Automated web testing tools help maintain the quality and reliability of web applications by enabling thorough testing across multiple scenarios. These tools are software applications designed to check that your website performs optimally, ensuring a positive user experience. With the ability to handle a wide range of testing tasks, from unit testing to automated regression testing, these tools play a crucial role in modern web application development. They ensure that testing workflows are streamlined, testing time is minimized, and the overall efficiency of software testing is enhanced.

In conclusion, testing tools play a crucial role in the development process, offering efficient test solutions and ensuring the reliability of web applications. They provide various web and mobile application testing capabilities, making them essential for maintaining high standards in web development. By leveraging these tools, developers can ensure that their web applications function correctly, delivering a quality experience to users across different devices and platforms.

Happy (automated) testing!

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer

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