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Guide to Functional Testing: Types, Examples and Tools

functional testing

Functional testing is a crucial part of software development that ensures the application’s features work according to specified requirements. It focuses on validating whether the software behaves correctly based on user inputs, without delving into the internal code structure. By simulating real-world scenarios, functional testing helps ensure the reliability, usability, and accuracy of the application’s core functions. Whether done manually or through automated tools, this testing plays a key role in delivering a stable and user-friendly product, identifying potential issues early in the development cycle, and confirming that the software meets both technical and business needs.


  • Functional testing checks if a system’s functionality meets specified requirements, including unit, integration, system, and regression tests.
  • It differs from non-functional testing, which checks "what" the system does, while non-functional testing focuses on performance, scalability, and security.
  • Key steps for functional testing include understanding requirements, creating and running test cases, logging defects, and retesting after fixes.
  • A common functional testing example is testing a login page, ensuring successful logins, error handling, and password reset features.
  • Types include unit testing for individual components, integration testing for module combinations, and system testing for real-world application behavior.
  • Automation tools like BugBug, Selenium, and BrowserStack improve efficiency by automating regression, smoke, and integration tests across platforms.

Check also:

What Is Functional Testing?

Functional Testing Definition

Functional testing is a type of software testing that focuses on verifying whether a system's functionality meets the specified requirements. It ensures that the software behaves as expected by testing individual features through various approaches like unit tests, integration tests, and system testing. Unlike non-functional testing, which evaluates performance and usability, functional testing checks the core functionality through both manual and automated testing methods. Automated functional testing plays a crucial role in streamlining the testing process, allowing for faster regression tests, smoke testing, and sanity testing. By creating test cases based on functional requirements, this type of testing helps ensure that the software performs correctly before release, reducing the chances of defects and improving overall software quality.

Functional Testing vs Non-Functional Testing

Differences between Functional and Non-Functional Testing are rooted in their objectives and focus areas. Functional testing is a type of software testing that focuses on validating whether the features of an application work according to the specified requirements. It primarily checks "what" the system does by testing the functionality of individual components through methods like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and regression testing. The main goal is to ensure that each feature works correctly for the end user.

On the other hand, non-functional testing examines "how" the system performs under various conditions. It evaluates the non-functional aspects of the system, such as performance, scalability, reliability, security, and usability. Non-functional testing includes testing types like performance testing, load testing, stress testing, and usability testing. While functional testing focuses on the correctness of the software’s behavior, non-functional testing aims to optimize and improve the overall user experience, ensuring the system performs well under expected and unexpected conditions.

How to Perform Functional Testing?

To perform functional testing effectively, follow these steps:

1. Understand the Functional Requirements

Start by thoroughly reviewing the functional requirements and specifications of the software. This step ensures that you understand what features and functions need to be tested.

2. Identify Test Scenarios

Based on the requirements, identify different test scenarios that cover all possible functionality of the application. These scenarios should include all user actions, system inputs, and expected outputs.

3. Create Test Cases

Develop detailed test cases for each test scenario, specifying the steps to follow, input data to use, and the expected outcome. Each test case should clearly define what needs to be tested.

4. Prepare Test Data

Collect and prepare the necessary test data that will be used during the testing process. This data should cover both valid and invalid inputs to ensure the application handles all cases.

5. Execute Test Cases

Run the test cases manually or using automation tools. This is the actual execution phase where the system is tested based on the inputs and actions defined in the test cases.

6. Compare Actual and Expected Results

After running each test case, compare the actual results with the expected results. If there are discrepancies, these should be logged as defects.

7. Log Defects

Any bugs or issues found during testing should be logged in a defect-tracking tool with details about the failure, including steps to reproduce and the severity of the issue.

8. Retest and Regression Testing

Once defects are fixed, retest the functionality to ensure the issue is resolved. Also, conduct regression testing to ensure that recent changes haven’t negatively impacted other parts of the system.

9. Generate Test Reports

After the testing cycle is complete, generate detailed reports summarizing the test cases executed, defects found, and overall test results.

These steps ensure a structured approach to verifying that the software's functionality meets the defined requirements and works as expected.

Examples of Functional Testing

A great example of functional testing is testing the login functionality of a web application. It involves verifying that users can successfully log in and receive appropriate feedback for various scenarios. For instance:

  1. Successful Login: Enter valid credentials and ensure the user is redirected correctly.
  2. Invalid Login: Enter incorrect credentials and verify an error message is displayed.
  3. Empty Fields: Leave fields blank and check for validation messages.
  4. Password Reset: Test the "Forgot Password" link to ensure a reset link is sent to the user.
    This testing ensures the login system works as expected in different situations.

Guide to Functional Testing Types

There are several types of functional testing techniques that you can leverage, depending on the stage of development and the specific functionality being tested. Functional testing primarily focuses on black-box testing, where the system's internal workings are not examined, but the input-output behavior is validated instead. Let’s explore some key types of functional testing.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is the first type of testing performed during the development phase. It focuses on testing individual components or modules in isolation to ensure they meet functional requirements. This type of testing is often done manually, but automated functional testing helps improve efficiency by catching bugs early in the process. Unit testing is also considered a form of white-box testing, as it examines internal structures.

Integration Testing

After unit testing, integration testing focuses on testing how different components or modules work together. This is a critical part of the testing phase because it verifies that the software's functional requirements are met when individual parts are combined. Automated functional testing helps streamline this process, ensuring efficient testing of complex interactions within the system.

Check our list of Integration Testing Tools.

System Testing

System testing involves testing the entire application in a real-world testing environment to ensure that all functional and non-functional requirements are met. This type of testing is performed to validate the overall behavior of the software, and it often uses both black-box testing and white-box testing techniques. Testing tools and frameworks play a key role in this phase to manage the complexity of testing the customer journey across different platforms.

Regression Testing

Regression testing is performed to ensure that recent code changes or bug fixes haven't disrupted existing functionality. Automated functional testing helps run repetitive test cases efficiently. This type of software testing that verifies the stability of the application after updates is critical to maintaining the quality of the software.

Smoke and Sanity Testing

Smoke testing is done to verify that the critical functionalities of a new build are operational. It's a quick test used during the early stages to ensure functional requirements are met. Sanity testing is more focused and is used to verify specific functions or bug fixes, ensuring they work as intended.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

User acceptance testing, or UAT, is the final phase in the software testing process, where the application is tested by end-users. This type of testing is performed to validate that the software meets business requirements. Both manual testing and automated functional testing can be used to ensure that the application is ready for deployment.

QA vs UAT Testing: Exploring The Differences

The Goal of Functional Testing

Each type of functional testing plays a key role in ensuring that functional requirements are met before software is released. Whether through black-box testing or automated testing tools, functional testing ensures that software behaves as expected in various environments. Functional testing is important because it not only identifies bugs but also builds confidence that the application will function correctly for the end-user.

Functional Testing Tools

How to Choose the Right Functional Testing Tool?

When selecting the right functional testing automation tool, consider the following key factors:

  • Handles different functional testing types, including smoke testing, regression testing, and system testing.
  • Handles white box testing and black box testing.
  • Facilitates an efficient testing approach, whether through script-based or codeless interfaces.
  • Integrates seamlessly with development workflows and CI/CD pipelines for continuous testing.
  • Provides reliability and robustness to ensure that functional testing is important in verifying software functionality across platforms, browsers, and devices.
  • Adapts to frequent software updates and allows for easy maintenance of test cases.
  • Supports functional test cases that are flexible, reusable, and suitable for complex scenarios or multiple data sets.

Functional Automation Tools

  • BugBug
  • Selenium
  • Cypress
  • BrowserStack
  • RainforestQA

Check full list with descriptions: Functional Testing Tools.

When to do Functional Automation Testing?

Functional automation testing should be performed when you want to ensure efficiency and consistency in verifying that the software's functional requirements are met. Automation becomes especially useful when there are repetitive functional test cases or complex scenarios that need frequent execution across different platforms. For instance, in industries like medicine, where accuracy and reliability are critical, automation ensures that the software consistently meets functional or requirement specifications.

When to Consider Functional Automation Testing:

  1. Regression Testing: Automated testing is highly valuable for regression testing, where updates or bug fixes need to be tested without disrupting existing functionality. Automation ensures thorough coverage without manual effort.
  2. Smoke Testing: Automation is ideal for smoke testing to quickly verify that the core functionalities of the system are working in a new build, saving time during the development process.
  3. Integration Testing: When there are multiple modules or components, functional automation testing ensures seamless testing and integration of the entire system. Automated scripts can perform integration testing efficiently, ensuring the interaction between components is smooth.
  4. Frequent Test Runs: If a project requires continuous testing in different environments or platforms, using a testing platform with automation helps maintain consistency. Automation is essential in software testing that ensures stability across releases and updates.
  5. Complex Test Scenarios: For white-box testing or black-box testing, where extensive logic or multiple input/output scenarios need to be validated, automation helps streamline the testing process.
  6. High Volume of Test Cases: Automating tests for projects with a large number of functional test cases ensures faster execution and reduces human error. This is especially true for component testing where individual units or features need to be repeatedly tested.
  7. Critical Applications: In domains like medicine, where accuracy and functionality are paramount, automating functional tests ensures the system operates as required without errors. Functional testing is important in such sensitive fields to reduce the risk of failures.
  8. Long-Term Projects: When working on long-term projects, automating functional testing and non-functional testing helps maintain efficiency over time. This approach is critical in ensuring that functional testing is to validate that every aspect of the software is meeting expectations.

In summary, functional automation testing is essential when there is a need for speed, consistency, and reliability in testing processes. It is also known to improve the overall quality of the application by ensuring that all functional testing types are covered efficiently.

How to Perform Functional Testing with BugBug?

BugBug has recently launched a Demo SaaS App, which provides a great playground for creating automated functional tests. You can easily test common SaaS scenarios, such as login functionality, using this tool. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to test the login page functionality with BugBug:

1. Access the Demo SaaS App

  • Visit the Demo SaaS App provided by BugBug using this link. Please register at the site to use it.
  • This demo environment is set up specifically to let you explore core SaaS scenarios like user registration, login, and account management.

2. Set Up a New Test in BugBug

  • Sign in or create an account in BugBug.
  • Once logged in, click the "Create Test" button from the dashboard.
  • Select the Demo SaaS App URL as the testing environment.

3. Start Recording the Login Process

  • Begin recording your test by navigating to the login page of the Demo SaaS App.
  • Perform the actions that a user would typically do on the login page:
    1. Enter a valid username and password.
    2. Click the "Login" button.
  • BugBug will capture these interactions automatically and generate a script in real-time.

4. Add Test Assertions

  • After completing the login steps, add assertions to validate that the functionality is working as expected.
  • For example, add an assertion to verify that:
    • The login was successful, and the user is redirected to the correct dashboard page.
    • A welcome message or user profile is displayed after login.
  • You can also create negative test cases by testing invalid login scenarios, such as:
    1. Entering an incorrect password.
    2. Leaving the username or password fields blank.
    3. Verify that appropriate error messages are displayed.

5. Customize the Test

  • If needed, modify the test flow by adding conditions, loops, or data sets to simulate different test scenarios.
  • BugBug allows you to test the login process with different user data by using dynamic inputs or different sets of credentials.

6. Run the Test

  • Once you've set up and recorded the login flow, run the test on the Demo SaaS App.
  • BugBug allows you to run the test manually or schedule automated test runs based on your needs.
  • Monitor the execution to ensure that all steps are performed as intended and the login functionality behaves correctly.

7. Analyze the Test Results

  • After the test run, BugBug provides a detailed report showing the steps executed, any passed or failed assertions, and possible issues encountered.
  • Review these results to confirm that the login page functionality works smoothly and identify any bugs or failures.

8. Rerun and Refine

  • After fixing any detected issues or adjusting the test logic, rerun the test to verify that the login functionality now works as expected.
  • You can iterate on the test case, adding more scenarios.

Read more about How to Create Test Cases for Login Page?


In conclusion, functional testing is important because it ensures that the software’s features work as expected, providing users with a reliable and smooth experience. The goal of functional testing is to ensure that all aspects of the system perform according to the defined requirements. It employs both black-box testing (focusing on the output without examining the internal code) and white-box testing (considering the internal workings), offering comprehensive coverage.

When exploring everything about functional testing, it's clear that it focuses on what the software is supposed to do, without worrying about non-functional aspects like performance or security. Functional testing is only concerned with validating that each feature behaves as specified. In some cases, functional testing is also known as requirement-based testing because its primary objective is to meet functional requirements.

A great example to state functional testing is smoke testing, which is used to verify that the basic functionality of a system works after a new build. By choosing to explore different functional testing types, such as system, regression, and smoke testing, teams can ensure thorough validation of software functions before release. Ultimately, functional testing is to ensure that your product not only meets the business needs but also delivers a reliable experience for the end user.

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominikszahidewicz/

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