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Codeless Testing Tools for 2024 | Codeless Test Automation Guide

codeless testing tools

Codeless Automated Testing, also known as "no-code" or "low-code" testing, leverages intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to enable testers to create and execute test scenarios without writing a single line of code. This method significantly reduces the barriers to entry for test automation, allowing team members from various backgrounds to contribute to the testing effort. Let's explore the best codeless automation testing tools in 2024.


  • Codeless Test Automation Tool: Enables testers to create and execute test scenarios without coding, using visual drag-and-drop interfaces, making automation accessible to non-technical users.
  • Key Benefits: Faster test creation, reduced maintenance overhead, enhanced collaboration, improved test coverage, and cost savings by lowering the dependency on coding skills.
  • Comparison with Code-Based Testing: Codeless testing is quicker, easier to maintain, and more collaborative, whereas code-based testing requires significant coding skills, has a steeper learning curve, and involves more maintenance effort.
  • Popular Codeless Testing Tools: Tools like BugBug, BrowserStack, Ranorex Studio, TestCraft, and Katalon Studio offer various features such as cross-browser testing, API testing, and integration with CI/CD pipelines.

Check also:

codeless test automation

What is Codeless Automated Testing?

Codeless Automated Testing, often referred to as "no-code" or "low-code" testing, is a revolutionary approach to software testing that enables testers to create and execute test scenarios without the need to write test scripts. Instead of relying on manual coding skills to develop intricate test cases.

Codeless Testing Tools provide intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that allow testers to design and automate tests using a visual, drag-and-drop approach. This approach democratizes the testing process, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise.

Why Should You Opt for Codeless Testing Platform

No-code automated testing is a compelling choice for several reasons. Firstly, it democratizes test automation by making it accessible to non-technical users, allowing a broader range of team members to contribute to the testing effort. This accessibility reduces the reliance on skilled developers for test automation tasks.

Testers can create and execute tests faster since they don't need to write complex code, resulting in quicker time-to-market for software products. It reduces maintenance overhead.

Unlike code-based scripts that can become unwieldy to update, no-code testing tools often offer features like auto-healing tests and dynamic locators, simplifying test maintenance as the application evolves.

No-code testing promotes collaboration among different teams involved in software development, fostering alignment with business requirements. No-code automation is cost-effective, reducing the need for specialized coding skills and ultimately leading to resource and cost savings in the long run.

How Can QA Teams Utilize Codeless Test Automation?

At the heart of scriptless automation are user-friendly interfaces (in tools like BugBug or Mabl) that enable testers to interact with the application under test (AUT) and define test scenarios.

Testing teams can create test cases by simply dragging and dropping test elements, such as buttons, text fields, and dropdown menus, onto a canvas. They can then specify various actions, conditions, and validations using a series of easy-to-understand options and configurations.

Key Features of No-Code Test Automation Tool

  • Visual Test Creation and Maintenance: The ability to write test scenarios visually simplifies the test creation process, making it accessible to non-developers.
  • Reusability: Testing Tools often offer reusable components and test steps, reducing duplication of effort and ensuring consistency across test suites.
  • Test Management: Many Codeless Testing Tools include robust test management features, allowing users to organize, schedule, and monitor test execution effectively.
  • Cross-Browser: Low-Code Testing Tools frequently support cross-browser testing, enabling testers to validate application functionality across various web browsers.
  • Mobile Testing: They also extend their capabilities to mobile testing, addressing the need for comprehensive mobile app testing.
  • API Testing: Some nocode Testing Tools include features for API testing, which is crucial for validating the integration points of modern applications.
  • Continuous Testing: Integration with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines ensures that tests are executed automatically as part of the software development process.

List of Benefits of Codeless Automated Testing

Codeless Automated Testing offers a plethora of advantages that contribute to improved testing efficiency, faster release cycles, and higher software quality. Let's explore some of these benefits:

  • Reduced Dependency on Coding Skills:
    One of the most significant advantages of codeless automated testing is that it eliminates the need for testers to possess extensive coding skills. Traditional automated testing often requires testers to write code in programming languages like Java, Python, or JavaScript, which can be a significant barrier for non-technical team members. Codeless testing tools have a more accessible and user-friendly interface, allowing testers with minimal coding knowledge to create and execute tests effectively.
  • Faster Test Creation:
    No-code automated testing streamlines the test creation process. Testers can design and automate test scenarios using visual, drag-and-drop interfaces, significantly speeding up the test development cycle. This efficiency is particularly valuable in fast-paced development environments where rapid feedback is crucial.
  • Lower Maintenance Overheads:
    Testing tools often include features for reusing test components and modules. This reusability reduces the effort required to maintain test suites when applications change. As a result, teams can adapt to software updates or new feature releases more efficiently, ensuring that tests remain up-to-date with minimal manual intervention.
  • Improved Test Coverage:
    With low-code testing tools, testers can focus on designing comprehensive test scenarios that cover a wide range of application functionalities. This enhanced test coverage is essential for identifying and addressing potential issues early in the development process, leading to higher software quality.
  • Enhanced Collaboration:
    The visual nature of codeless automated testing promotes collaboration between cross-functional teams. Testers, developers, and product owners can easily understand and contribute to the test automation process. This collaboration fosters a culture of shared responsibility for quality and ensures that testing aligns with the overall development goals.
  • Quick Adaptation to Changes:
    Modern software development is characterized by frequent updates and changes to applications. No-code testing tools allow testers to quickly adapt and update test cases when new features are introduced or existing ones are modified. This agility ensures that testing keeps pace with the evolving application.
  • Cost Savings:
    Low-code automated testing can lead to a more cost-saving approach. By reducing the dependency on highly specialized automation engineers, companies can lower their testing costs. This cost-effectiveness is particularly beneficial for smaller organizations with limited resources.
  • Enhanced Test Execution:
    Many tools come with built-in test execution capabilities, making it straightforward to schedule and run tests as part of a continuous testing strategy. This integration with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines ensures that tests are executed automatically as part of the software development process.
  • Minimized Human Errors:
    Manual test case creation is prone to human errors. Codeless automated testing reduces these errors by providing a structured and consistent way to create and execute tests. This consistency leads to more reliable test results.
  • Scalability:
    As applications grow in complexity, so do the testing needs. Codeless tools are designed to scale with your application, allowing you to add new test cases and scenarios effortlessly. This scalability ensures that your testing processes remain effective as your software evolves.

Code-Based Vs. Codeless Automated Testing

To truly appreciate the benefits of Codeless Automated Testing, it's essential to compare it with the traditional code-based testing approach. Let's examine the key differences between the two:

Code-Based Automated Testing

  1. Coding Skills Required
    Code-based testing relies on the expertise of automation engineers who possess coding skills. Testers need to write scripts in programming languages such as Java, Python, or JavaScript.
  2. Steeper Learning Curve
    Learning a programming language and automation frameworks can be time-consuming and challenging, particularly for manual testers who lack coding experience.
  3. Time-Consuming Test Creation
    Creating and maintaining code-based test scripts is a labor-intensive process that can slow down the testing process, especially when frequent changes occur in the application.
  4. Higher Maintenance Effort
    When the application changes, code-based tests may require significant modifications to remain effective. This maintenance effort can be resource-intensive.
  5. Limited Collaboration
    Code-based testing tends to be siloed within the development and automation teams, limiting collaboration with domain experts and manual testers.
  6. Longer Time to Market
    Due to the time-intensive nature of code-based testing, software releases may be delayed, impacting time to market and competitiveness.

Codeless Automated Testing

  1. Coding Skills Not Required
    Tools without code eliminate the need for testers to have coding skills, allowing a broader range of team members to participate in test automation.
  2. Lower Learning Curve
    The visual, drag-and-drop approach of Codeless Testing Tools significantly reduces the learning curve, enabling testers to get started quickly.
  3. Rapid Test Creation
    Test creation is accelerated through visual interfaces, enabling testers to create comprehensive test scenarios in less time.
  4. Lower Maintenance Effort
    Tools often provide reusable components and modules, reducing the maintenance effort required to keep tests up-to-date.
  5. Enhanced Collaboration
    The visual nature of Codeless Testing promotes collaboration between teams, leading to improved communication and shared responsibility for quality.
  6. Faster Time to Market
    By speeding up the testing process, Codeless Automated Testing contributes to faster software releases and a competitive edge in the market.

Top Codeless Testing Tools for Faster QA

The choice of the best codeless testing tool for your QA needs depends on various factors such as your specific testing requirements, technology stack, budget, and team expertise.

Here's a list of some of the top codeless testing tools that are highly regarded in the QA community:


bugbug test automation tool

BugBug is one of the testing tools for web applications. It uses a Chrome extension to record and replay user actions on the website and provides features such as parallel execution, reporting, and integrations. is designed for startups, software agencies, and e-commerce businesses that need to ensure the quality of their web app or website without repetitive manual testing. offers a free forever plan and a paid plan with more advanced features.

The tool offers a wide range of testing possibilities (exploratory testing, continuous testing, and regression testing).

Friendly UI Packed With Advanced Features

The BugBug web app has a remarkably user-friendly UI. You can perform your first end-to-end test within a few minutes without any extensive testing background.

Even though it's simple, the tool has many advanced features for test execution:

  • Incorporation of built-in variables
  • Timely notifications for test monitoring
  • Seamless integration with any Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline
  • Availability of public APIs for streamlined integration with your existing workflow
  • Parallel testing capabilities
  • JavaScript actions when you need it - this feature is not available in Runforest QA
  • Intelligent automation of scrolling and waiting for page loading
  • Support for both local and cloud-based test runs
  • Test scheduling functionality

BugBug - Best Free Plan on the Market

BugBug is cost-effective in terms of offered features in the Freemium plan. Here is the full list of free features:

  • Unlimited tests
  • Unlimited local test runs
  • Unlimited test suites
  • Unlimited users
  • Components
  • Smart waiting conditions
  • 7 days of test history

How to Run Your First Test in BugBug?

  1. Think about what should be tested first - this should be a simple case (eg. login page for your website)
  2. Open -
  3. Install Chrome extension - read more about BugBug overlay

bugbug chrome extension

  1. Create a new test

bugbug create test

  1. Enter the URL of the web app or website that you want to test

Enter the URL of the web app or website that you want to test

  1. Click "Record" - if you installed the extension, the incognito Chrome browser window should appear

Click "Record" - if you installed the extension

  1. Carefully click the elements to navigate - each click will be recorded automatically
  2. When you are ready with the test case click the Finish and Close button in the overlay menu on the right
  3. Now run the test to see if everything was correctly recorded

Now run the test


Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 16.13.51.png

Key Features: BrowserStack's Low Code Automation tool enables easy automation testing for users with limited coding knowledge. Its intuitive test recorder and drag-and-drop functionality allow for straightforward test creation, while features like visual validations, intelligent wait-time detection, and a self-healing mechanism ensure tests are reliable and adaptable to app changes. This platform supports efficient quality maintenance and faster release cycles by allowing recordings in internal environments to be replayed in the cloud.

Business Suitability: BrowserStack is versatile and suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries, particularly those seeking an industry-leading automation testing solution that requires minimal coding expertise. Its user-friendly platform is ideal for companies maintaining high-quality applications with fast and reliable releases across various sectors.


  • The free plan provides 100 cloud test executions and supports unlimited users, allowing automation to start immediately.
  • The Essentials plan costs $329 per month, while the Enterprise plan offers custom pricing to meet specific business needs.



Key Features: TestCraft is a codeless Selenium-based automation testing platform that offers a visual test creation interface. It enables users to create and maintain tests using a simple, drag-and-drop approach. It also provides features for parallel test execution and test data management.

Business Suitability: TestCraft is suitable for businesses looking for Selenium-based automation with a user-friendly interface. It is often used by software development and testing companies across various industries.

Pricing: TestCraft offers four pricing plans: Community, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate.

  • Community Plan: Free, includes basic features.
  • Starter Plan: $250 per month per user, adds cross-browser test automation, parallel execution, and reporting.
  • Premium Plan: $500 per month per user, adds accessibility testing.
  • Ultimate Plan: Custom solution with enterprise-grade features.

Katalon Studio


Key Features: Katalon Studio is a powerful codeless test automation platform. It offers a keyword-driven testing approach, supports multiple programming languages, and integrates with various CI/CD tools. It also provides built-in test reporting and analytics.

Business Suitability: Katalon Studio is versatile and suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries, especially those looking for an all-in-one automation solution. It's popular in e-commerce, healthcare, and technology sectors.

Pricing: Katalon Studio offers three pricing plans: Starter, Premium, and Ultimate.

  • Starter Plan: $170 per month per user, including desktop testing, mobile, visual testing, and test scheduling.
  • Premium Plan: $390 per month per user, adds features like PDF testing, email testing, and priority support.
  • Ultimate Plan: Custom solution with enterprise-grade features.



Key Features: CloudQA is a web application testing tool that offers codeless test automation, allowing users to create and run tests on cloud infrastructure. It supports test scripting, data-driven testing, and test management features.

Business Suitability: CloudQA is a good fit for businesses that rely heavily on web applications and need scalable, cloud-based testing solutions. It's commonly used in e-commerce, fintech, and software development companies.

Pricing: CloudQA offers three pricing plans: Automate Web, Automate Mobile, and Automate API.

  • Automate Web Plan: $299 per month per user, includes web testing, cross-browser test automation, parallel execution, and integrations.
  • Automate Mobile Plan: $399 per month per user, includes native, hybrid, and web mobile, real devices and simulator support, and integrations.
  • Automate API Plan: $199 per month per user, includes RESTful API testing, SOAP API testing, and more.



Key Features: ACCELQ is a comprehensive test automation platform that combines codeless automation, AI-based test generation, and test management capabilities. It provides a range of testing capabilities across APIs, browsers, and devices.

Business Suitability: ACCELQ is well-suited for medium to large enterprises that require a holistic test automation platform. It's used in industries such as finance, healthcare, and insurance for complex test scenarios.

Pricing: ACCELQ offers four pricing plans: Automate Web, Automate Mobile, Automate API, and Automate Manual.

  • Automate Web Plan: $167 per month per user, includes web testing, cross-browser test automation, and more.
  • Automate Mobile Plan: $199 per month per user, includes mobile test automation, real devices, and more.
  • Automate API Plan: $149 per month per user, including API testing, database testing, and more.
  • Automate Manual Plan: $99 per month per user, including manual test case design, traceability, and more.



Key Features: Mabl is an AI-driven test automation platform focused on end-to-end testing. It offers auto-healing tests, self-healing locators, and integration with popular CI/CD tools. Mabl also provides robust test analytics.

Business Suitability: Mabl is ideal for businesses looking for AI-powered, end-to-end testing solutions. It's often used in e-commerce, SaaS, and digital marketing industries.

Pricing: Mabl offers three pricing plans: Startup, Growth, and Enterprise.

  • Startup Plan: Free, includes basic features.
  • Growth Plan: $167 per month per user, adds desktop testing, mobile tests, API testing, and more.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom solution with enterprise-grade features.



Key Features: Testim is an AI-driven testing platform that offers codeless test creation and execution for web applications. It supports cross-browser testing, parallel test execution, and integration with various testing frameworks.

Business Suitability: Testim is suitable for businesses seeking AI-enhanced test automation for web applications. It's commonly used in e-commerce, software as a service (SaaS), and technology sectors.

Pricing: Testim offers four pricing plans: Community, Starter, Pro, and Enterprise.

  • Community Plan: Free, includes basic features.
  • Starter Plan: $250 per month per user, adds cross-browser testing, parallel execution, and more.
  • Pro Plan: $500 per month per user, adds API testing, accessibility testing, and more.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom solution with enterprise-grade features.



Key Features: TestProject is a free, community-powered test automation platform that offers both codeless and coded testing options. It includes a test recorder, a test builder, and a library of add-ons for various testing needs.

Business Suitability: TestProject is versatile and suitable for businesses of all sizes. It's particularly appealing to smaller businesses or those looking for cost-effective test automation solutions.

Pricing: TestProject is free to use for all its current features, making it an attractive option for both commercial and private usage.

Tricentis Tosca


Key Features: Tricentis Tosca is a comprehensive test automation suite that includes codeless test design, test case management, and continuous testing capabilities. It supports a wide range of technologies and applications.

Business Suitability: Tricentis Tosca is well-suited for large enterprises that require extensive test automation capabilities, especially in highly regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, and aerospace.

Pricing: Tricentis Tosca offers three pricing plans: Tosca Base Edition, Tosca Standard Edition, and Tosca Enterprise Edition.

  • Tosca Base Edition: $1 per month per user, includes basic features.
  • Tosca Standard Edition: $2 per month per user, adds features like desktop testing, SAP testing, and more.
  • Tosca Enterprise Edition: Custom solution with enterprise-grade features.



Key Features: Kobiton is a mobile testing platform that offers real-device testing for Android and iOS. It provides codeless test creation, parallel testing, and device management features.

Business Suitability: Kobiton is ideal for businesses with mobile applications, especially those that need comprehensive mobile testing. It's often used in industries like mobile app development, gaming, and fintech.

Pricing: Kobiton offers pricing plans for Solo, Team, Organization, and Enterprise use cases, with specific pricing details available on their website.



Key Features: TestComplete is a versatile test automation tool that supports both codeless and scripted testing for desktop, web, and mobile applications. It offers test recording, scripting, and integration with CI/CD pipelines.

Business Suitability: TestComplete is suitable for businesses of various sizes and industries that need a comprehensive testing tool with flexible automation options. It's commonly used in finance, healthcare, and retail sectors.

There are two types of licenses: fixed and floating. A fixed license is bound to one physical machine, while a floating license can be shared among multiple machines. TestComplete is also available for a 14-day trial.

Additionally, according to TrustRadius, TestComplete has four pricing editions: from $2,256 to $7,901. However, this information may not be up-to-date or accurate as it is not from the official source. Therefore, we recommend checking the official website for the most current pricing information.


soap ui

Key Features: SoapUI is an open-source tool designed for testing web services and APIs. It offers a user-friendly interface for creating and executing API tests, supports multiple protocols, and provides extensive reporting capabilities.

Business Suitability: SoapUI is well-suited for businesses that rely heavily on API-driven applications and services. It's commonly used in industries such as software development, fintech, and e-commerce.

Pricing: SoapUI is open-source and free to use, offering a cost-effective solution for API testing needs.


Each of these QA testing tools offers unique features and capabilities tailored to specific testing needs. The choice of the right tool depends on factors such as the type of applications being tested, the level of technical expertise available, budget considerations, and industry-specific requirements. Businesses need to evaluate their testing requirements carefully and choose the tool that best aligns with their objectives and constraints.

FAQ: Best Codeless Testing Tools in 2024

How does codeless automation testing work?

Low-code testing tools typically employ visual testing and functional testing techniques. They allow users to create automated test cases by dragging and dropping elements from the application under test, defining test steps, and setting up test conditions without the need to write code.

What are the benefits of no-code automation testing?

No-code testing offers several benefits, including simplifying the test automation process for non-technical testers, reducing the effort and time required to create and maintain automated test cases, enabling faster test case creation and execution, providing a user-friendly interface for test design and execution, and facilitating collaboration between technical and non-technical team members.

What are 10 codeless automation testing tools?

Some popular codeless automation testing tools include, LEAPWORK, Ranorex Studio, TestCraft, Katalon Studio, CloudQA, ACCELQ, Sikuli, Mabl, and Testim.

How can codeless automation tools help in regression testing?

Codeless automation tools can help in regression testing by allowing testers to easily create and execute test cases for verifying that changes or updates to an application do not introduce new bugs or regressions. These tools provide features for recording and replaying test scenarios, making it easier to retest functionalities after each change.

What types of testing can be performed using codeless automation testing tools?

Codeless automation testing tools can be used for a wide range of testing capabilities, including:

  • Functional testing
  • Regression testing
  • UI testing
  • Integration testing
  • Performance testing
  • Mobile app testing

Can codeless automation testing tools generate test reports?

Yes, most codeless automation testing tools provide the ability to generate detailed test reports. These reports capture information about the test execution, including the test steps, test results, and any errors or failures encountered during the test run.

What are the limitations of codeless automation testing?

Codeless automation testing has some limitations, including:

  • Limited customization options compared to traditional coding-based automation
  • Dependency on the capabilities and updates of the codeless automation tool
  • Difficulty in handling complex test scenarios that require custom logic
  • Potential performance issues when dealing with large test suites or complex applications

Do codeless automation testing tools support integration with other testing tools?

Yes, many codeless automation testing tools provide integration capabilities with other testing tools and frameworks. This allows testers to leverage the strengths of multiple tools and create a comprehensive testing workflow.

Can codeless automation testing tools be used for creating automated test cases from scratch?

Yes, codeless automation testing tools allow users to create automated test cases from scratch without the need to write a single line of code. Testers can define the test steps, set up test conditions, and specify the expected results using the visual interface provided by the tool.

Final Thoughts

In the realm of automated testing, codeless automation tools are emerging as invaluable assets, enabling teams to accelerate testing processes, enhance accuracy, and facilitate collaboration among diverse team members. By offering intuitive interfaces and eliminating the need for coding skills, these tools are democratizing test automation, making it accessible and manageable for professionals with varying levels of technical expertise.

Codeless test automation simplifies the testing process by allowing testers to perform testing without writing code. Many teams have started with codeless test automation to streamline their workflows and enhance efficiency. The codeless test automation journey enables testers to focus on making test scenarios more comprehensive and less prone to errors. Testing without a coding background becomes feasible, making it accessible to a broader range of team members. This approach significantly reduces the learning curve associated with traditional coding methods in automated testing.

Happy (automated) testing!

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer

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