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The Best Software Testing Newsletters

The Best Software Testing Newsletters for 2023

After carefully selecting the YouTube channels and podcasts, we switched our attention towards newsletters. Those are also a great tool for a QA or for software testers to expand their knowledge.

Once you subscribe you get a regular update or a chunk of knowledge straight to your inbox. Some of them are sent weekly, others not.

Browse the list, click the link if you found one interesting for you and get the best software testing news.

Our selection of software testing newsletters

Software Testing Weekly

Software Testing Weekly newsletter

This one is from our home court. The newsletter curated by Dawid Dylowicz brings you the latest software testing news. It is published every Friday and provides you with carefully selected information with links and short descriptions.

This pre-selection provided by Dawid allows you to decide which article would you like to read in detail and which is not of your scope of interest.  As the testing world expands basically every day, having a true professional preparing you a weekly digest is a real gem.

You can also become a sponsor of one edition, which could be always a great way to expand your brand worldwide.

Link: https://softwaretestingweekly.com/

Ministry of Testing

Ministry of Testing newsletter

Sounds familiar? Well maybe because we covered them in the podcast list already 😃 They run a great testing community that includes a weekly newsletter. Multiple authors will provide you with information on multiple topics - test automation, testing tools, api testing, coding but also soft skills, testing events and many more.

Ministry of Testing newsletter reaches your inbox every week on Monday.

Link: https://www.ministryoftesting.com/newsletter

TestGuild Newsletter

TestGuild Newsletter

This weekly software testing newsletter is mostly focused on test automation. Produced by Joe Colantonio, a renowned figure in the testing field it features articles, tutorials, industry news, and announcements.

The topics covered include proven tips, tricks, and techniques on full-stack automation. The newsletter includes also the latest & most relevant info from the world of E2E testing.

By joining the newsletter you will get 10 quick & actionable test automation tips.

Link: https://testguild.com/newsletter/

Methods & Tools

Methods & Tools newsletter

In the article on podcasts we mentioned that one established in 2014 was a mature product. Well how mistaken we were... Methods and tools was set up in 2000 (!!!). And with all due respect to the creators it seems they did not change the layout since then.

Jokes aside - Methods & Tools is a great place for those members of the software testing world, who would like to receive less e-mails but still be in the loop.

They hand-pick an overview on what happened in the industry and send a monthly package. Even though they seem to have a brief pause recently, it is a great place to browse what is and was hot for the last 20+ years.

Link: https://www.methodsandtools.com/facts/facts.php

Five for Friday

Five for Friday newsletter

Every Friday Alan Page (the Angry Weasel) provides five articles related to software testing. If you don't have time to browse multiple links, such a brief selection would be perfect for you.

Although this is not a newsletter per say, it is worth to either have your own calendar remind you to check the website or to get a RSS feed from Alan.

The selection is sometimes surprising and expands beyond all things testing. You can find some software development there, webinars, blogs and many more.

Link: https://angryweasel.com/blog/

Five Blogs

Five Blogs 

The very ascetic website based on the simplest Wordpress template possible is a true gem. For 3000 (yes THREE THOUSAND) posts the author provided us with links to 5 different blogs he read that day. They mostly relate to testing and programming, but you will get also some insights into management, productivity and leadership.

It is honestly one of the biggest library of testing materials ever. Unfortunately there is no email subscription available since this May the author mentioned that number 3000 was the last post on that site.

Do check it since every blog post is worth reading and you have it all in one place.

Link: https://5blogs.wordpress.com/

QMetry Newsletter

QMetry Newsletter

This one is provided by the company behind QMetry app and brings you a monthly insight to different aspects of testing. Every edition includes a few of their articles regarding concepts, tools or conferences. It is very insightful and easy to navigate.

Although it is relatively young (only 8 issues when we created this article) it is carefully curated and already owns a place on our list.

Link: https://www.qmetry.com/resources/newsletters


There you go, the top 7 written resources we were able to find. Some great places to get knowledge and practice on software testing.

If you know any others that are worth our consideration, do let us know. Maybe we will end up having a part 2 of this article.

Happy (automated) testing!

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Marcin Ɓojewski

Software Developer

Software developer with significant background as a tech content writer and sports executive. Currently implementing a few business concepts related to education, wellbeing and book publishing, as well as supplementing my personal set of skills with sales and networking.

Privately the Teal organization fan. Soon to be a globally recognized childrens' book author.

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