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Top API Testing Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

api testing interview questions

API testing is a crucial element of software testing, especially in today’s interconnected software ecosystem. With the increasing reliance on APIs, testers and developers need to know how to test APIs effectively. Whether you are preparing for an interview or sharpening your testing skills, here are the top API testing interview questions and answers for 2024. This comprehensive list will cover everything from manual testing to test automation and beyond.

Best API Testing Interview Questions and Answers

What is API testing, and why is it important?

API testing refers to testing an API’s functionality, performance, and security. It ensures that the API responds correctly to various requests, that status codes in API testing are accurate, and that the API functions as expected under different conditions. API testing provides access to data and services in an application without using the user interface, helping identify issues earlier in the development process.

What are the differences between REST and SOAP APIs?


  • REST API (Representational State Transfer): Follows an architectural style and is based on standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. It is commonly used because of its simplicity and scalability.
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): A protocol that uses XML to format messages. It is more rigid but offers more security and transactional reliability.

Both approaches can be used in API testing, but REST is generally favored in modern web API testing.

How do you test APIs manually?

Manual testing involves sending API requests via tools like Postman to verify that the API responds correctly. You can manually check for the following:

  • Status codes: Ensure they match the expected outcomes.
  • Headers: Validate metadata like content-type and authentication tokens.
  • Body: Verify the response body data and structure.
  • Authorization and user roles: Test if different user roles have the appropriate access levels and permissions by sending requests with various authorization tokens and checking for correct responses (e.g., access granted, denied, or restricted).

Testing manually helps testers understand how the API works before implementing automated tests.

What are API test automation best practices?

Some best practices for API test automation include:

  • Use your API documentation to understand the endpoints, parameters, and data.
  • Implement API versioning to ensure backward compatibility of tests.
  • Incorporate contract testing to ensure the API adheres to its schema.
  • Regularly perform load testing to verify that the API handles high traffic.
  • Include security testing to safeguard sensitive data.

Automated tests provide better coverage and scalability than manual testing, especially for regression testing.

What tools are used for API testing?

Popular tools for API testing include:

  • Postman: A powerful tool for manual and automated API testing.
  • SoapUI: A specialized tool for SOAP and REST API testing.
  • JMeter: Used primarily for performance testing.
  • BugBug: An emerging tool for simple API test automation.

Choosing the right testing tool depends on the API's complexity and your test environment.

What is API contract testing?

API contract testing ensures that the API's communication between different services adheres to predefined schemas, such as those defined by OpenAPI or Swagger. It helps verify that the API maintains compatibility between components and that changes to the API don't break dependent services. This is particularly important in microservices architectures.

What are common HTTP methods in API testing?

The most common HTTP methods used in REST API testing include:

  • GET: Retrieves data.
  • POST: Submits new data.
  • PUT: Updates existing data.
  • DELETE: Removes data.
  • PATCH: Partially updates data.

Testing these methods ensures the functionality of the API aligns with business requirements.

What are API status codes, and why are they important?

Status codes in API testing indicate the result of an API request. Common codes include:

  • 200 OK: Request was successful.
  • 201 Created: A new resource was successfully created.
  • 400 Bad Request: The request was malformed.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication is required.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition.

These codes help testers see how the API responds to different requests.

What is API mocking, and when should it be used?

API mocking is the practice of creating a simulated version of an API for testing purposes. It is useful when the actual API is not yet available or when testing dependencies that are unreliable. Mocking helps in testing to ensure workflows behave as expected even if certain services are unavailable.

What is API versioning, and why is it important?

API versioning allows for changes in the API over time while maintaining backward compatibility. It ensures that older versions of the API continue to work while introducing new features or fixes in newer versions. Versioning must be considered in API testing to ensure no interruptions in service as the API evolves.

What is API load testing?

Load testing involves simulating multiple users or requests to see how the API performs under stress. This type of performance testing helps identify bottlenecks and ensure the API can handle high traffic. Load testing tools like JMeter are often used to simulate real-world conditions and measure the API’s scalability.

What is the difference between API testing and GUI testing?


  • API Testing: Focuses on the back-end functionality, ensuring data integrity, business logic, and server performance.
  • GUI Testing: Refers to visual testing graphical elements like fonts, buttons, and user interaction points in a system implementing an API.

While API testing provides access to core functionality, GUI testing basically focuses on user interface elements.

How do you handle authentication in API testing?

Authentication is critical in APIs, especially when dealing with sensitive data. Common methods include:

  • API keys: Simple string-based authentication.
  • OAuth: Token-based authentication that allows secure delegation.
  • Basic Auth: Encoded credentials sent in the header.

Authentication in API testing involves verifying that these methods properly restrict access to protected resources.

What is regression testing in API testing?

Regression testing ensures that newly introduced changes or updates to an API do not break existing functionality. Automated test suites are often used for this purpose, providing continuous validation of the testing process as the API changes over time.

What are some common challenges in API testing?


  • Data Dependency: Some APIs require specific data conditions, making it hard to reproduce tests.
  • Authentication: Implementing and testing various authentication methods can complicate testing.
  • Asynchronous Requests: Testing event-driven APIs or real-world API testing scenarios can be challenging.

Proper API documentation and understanding of the system help overcome these hurdles.

How do you test the security of an API?

API security testing involves checking:

  • Authentication: Ensuring that only authorized users can access the API.
  • Input Validation: Preventing attacks such as SQL injection.
  • Encryption: Verifying that sensitive data is encrypted.
  • Rate Limiting: Ensuring the API restricts excessive requests to avoid abuse.

Security testing is crucial to assure the API's resilience against malicious attacks.

What are some common API testing techniques?


  • Positive Testing: Ensures the API returns valid data for valid requests.
  • Negative Testing: Tests how the API responds to invalid or malformed requests.
  • Boundary Testing: Ensures the API handles edge cases correctly.
  • Load and Performance Testing: Evaluates how the API performs under different workloads.

These techniques are used to validate that the API behaves as expected under all conditions.

What is contract testing, and how does it relate to API testing?

Contract testing verifies that the API's schema (contract) is adhered to. It ensures that the API responds with the correct data structure, types, and constraints, especially when changes are made. This type of testing helps prevent breaking changes when updating the API.

How do you write effective API test cases?

API test cases should cover:

  • All HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
  • Different data formats (JSON, XML).
  • Positive and negative scenarios.
  • Response time and performance.
  • Boundary conditions and security aspects.

Test cases must be comprehensive to ensure the API behaves as expected.

How do you assure the API responds in a timely manner?

You can use performance testing to measure response times. Tools like JMeter allow you to track how long the API takes to respond under different conditions. Setting SLAs (Service Level Agreements) ensures the API meets required performance benchmarks.

What are the advantages of API testing over UI testing?


  • Faster Execution: API tests run quicker than UI tests because they bypass the graphical interface.
  • Early Detection: API testing helps detect bugs early in the development process.
  • Better Coverage: It provides access to functionality not available through the UI.

API testing helps ensure the back-end functionality before the GUI is even developed.

What should be considered in API testing to ensure comprehensive coverage?

Comprehensive API testing should include:

  • Functional Tests: To ensure the API meets business requirements.
  • Security Tests: To verify authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Performance and Load Tests: To measure how the API handles stress.
  • Regression Tests: To ensure updates don’t introduce new bugs.

These tests assure the comprehensive API testing of critical features.

How do you test the outcome of an API request?

Testing the outcome of an API request involves:

  • Verifying the status code.
  • Ensuring the response data is correct and formatted properly.
  • Checking headers for metadata like content-type and cache control.

Testing involves multiple checks to ensure the API works as expected.

What are the key differences between unit testing and API testing?


  • Unit Testing: Focuses on individual components or methods of the codebase.
  • API Testing: Focuses on the interaction between different software components.

Unit tests help ensure that individual functions work correctly, while API tests ensure the components interact as intended.

How does API performance testing help identify issues?

API performance testing helps detect:

  • Latency issues in the server response.
  • Bottlenecks under high load.
  • Areas for optimization in API calls.

This testing process is crucial for applications with high user traffic.


Mastering these API testing interview questions and answers for 2024 will enhance your ability to perform both manual and automated testing efficiently. Whether you're preparing for interviews or just improving your testing skills, understanding these key concepts will enable you to handle real-world challenges and deliver robust, secure, and high-performance APIs.

By knowing how to test APIs, you not only ensure the reliability of back-end services but also contribute to the overall success of your software development projects.

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominikszahidewicz/

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