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smoke testing with bugbug

Website Testing Guide: Smoke Testing with BugBug 

Smoke testing involves conducting a series of basic tests on a software build to verify that the most crucial functions operate as expected. Let's dive into how you can set it up and run smoke tests in BugBug.

browserstack alternatives

Best BrowserStack Alternatives

In this guide, we will delve into the top BrowserStack alternatives, each offering unique advantages and features. From free and paid services like SauceLabs, and online browser sandbox technology, to Lambdatest.


Website Testing Guide: Account Creation and Management

Hello and welcome back to our blog series on simplifying website testing with BugBug! This week we are going to test Account Creation and Management on e-commerce platforms.

cypress recorder

Cypress Recorder vs BugBug

Cypress recorder is a powerful tool designed to enhance the efficiency of the development and testing process by automating the creation of Cypress test scripts. Let's compare it with BugBug codeless recorder.

Ecommerce Optimization

Website Testing Guide: Product Discovery and Display

Let's get real about website testing - it's not just another item on your to-do list. It's your secret weapon to make sure your site is doing exactly what it needs to do. From making sure it works like a charm on all required devices and browsers to keeping things speedy and secure, we've got you covered.

ci cd tool

How to Choose CI/CD Tool?

Given the amount of options available in the market, each with its unique set of features, integrations, and support systems, selecting a CI/CD tool that aligns with your project requirements, team size, and technical infrastructure is essential.