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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominikszahidewicz/

Top Autify Alternatives in 2023

Top Autify Alternatives

Autify is an ai-powered platform with many features: no-code solutions, web application testing, mobile app testing and many more. In this article we will explore best Autify alternatives for software testing.

best reflect.run alternatives

Top Reflect.run Alternatives in 2024

Reflect.run is a popular end-to-end software testing platform that has gained recognition for its user-friendly interface. Explore the best Reflect.run Alternatives in 2024: create and maintain automated tests without code.

Cypress Best Practices

Cypress Best Practices: Test Automation Guide

Let's dive into Cypress best practices for e2e testing, best-suited locators, testing tool, small tests with single assertions and many more!

user journey testing

What is User Journey Testing? Guide for Software Testers

In today's digital landscape, ensuring that your application functions seamlessly from start to finish is a critical aspect of software development. One powerful approach to achieve this is through user journey testing.

chaos testing guide

Chaos Testing: Everything You Need To Know

About a decade ago, Netflix team introducedfirst chaos test, coinciding with their migration to AWS (Amazon Web Services). This transition aimed to prevent scalability issues and single points of failure, prompting the creation of two key principles: avoiding singular failure points and not being overly confident in their implementation.

saas testing guide

SaaS Testing Guide: All You Need to Know

Software as a Service (SaaS) has revolutionized the way software development businesses operate by offering on-demand access to various applications without the need for extensive installations or hardware maintenance (it operates in cloud).