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Accessibility Testing: Tools and Software

accessibility testing

Ensuring that your applications and websites are usable by people with disabilities isn't just a compliance checkbox—it's a fundamental part of creating an inclusive digital world. Accessibility testing ensures that your product reaches and supports every potential user, regardless of their abilities.


  • Accessibility testing ensures that digital products are usable by people with disabilities, focusing on compliance with standards like WCAG and legal requirements such as Section 508.
  • Key elements tested include keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, color contrast, and multimedia support for users with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive impairments.
  • Both automated and manual testing are necessary, with human testers providing insights that automated tools may miss, particularly in complex scenarios.
  • Accessibility testing drives inclusivity, innovation, and legal compliance, enhancing usability for all users while aligning with social responsibility.

What Is Accessibility Testing?

Accessibility testing is the process of evaluating a digital product, such as a website, application, or software, to ensure that it can be accessed and used effectively by individuals with disabilities. The goal of accessibility testing is to identify and address any barriers that might prevent people with disabilities from interacting with the product. Disabilities considered in accessibility testing typically include visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments.

This type of testing focuses on making sure that the product complies with accessibility standards and guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Section 508 in the U.S., or the European Union’s EN 301 549. These standards provide best practices for ensuring that digital products are accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. Compliance with these standards is crucial for web and mobile applications to meet legal requirements and provide a positive user experience.

Key elements tested in accessibility include:

  • Keyboard navigation: Ensuring users can interact with all elements without using a mouse. This is especially important for individuals with mobility impairments who rely on keyboards or assistive technologies to navigate a website or mobile app.

  • Screen reader compatibility: Verifying that text, images, and controls are properly described for users relying on screen readers. Automated accessibility testing tools can help detect whether alternative text is missing or if web elements are improperly labeled, which can cause issues for visually impaired users.

  • Color contrast and font size: Testing for appropriate contrast ratio between text and background elements is critical for individuals with low vision or color blindness. Ensuring that the product's design adheres to the best web accessibility practices, including optimal contrast ratios and scalable fonts, is essential for improving readability and overall usability.

  • Captions and transcripts: Ensuring multimedia content, such as videos and audio, includes captions or transcripts for users with hearing impairments. This is especially relevant for web and mobile applications that include a lot of video content, where users with auditory disabilities might require alternative formats to engage with the material.

Modern accessibility testing involves both manual testing and test automation. Automated accessibility tools can quickly assess common accessibility issues, like missing alt text or improper HTML semantics, but manual testing is equally important to ensure real-world usability. While automation can provide a solid foundation, human testers are needed to explore more nuanced user experiences, particularly when testing web and mobile apps for users with disabilities.

Mobile Accessibility Testing

For mobile applications, accessibility testing should cover both Android and iOS platforms to ensure consistency across devices. Mobile apps often require specialized testing approaches, such as verifying gesture-based navigation for users with motor impairments and ensuring that apps work seamlessly with mobile screen readers, like VoiceOver for iOS and TalkBack for Android.

Accessibility Testing Means More Inclusive Experience

By conducting accessibility testing, businesses can create more inclusive digital experiences, comply with legal requirements, and improve the usability of their product for all users. Accessible web and mobile applications not only open doors for individuals with disabilities but also enhance the overall quality of the product for all users. As automated accessibility testing continues to evolve, it's becoming easier to integrate these practices into the development process, ensuring that web and mobile applications meet the highest standards of accessibility.

Why is Web Accessibility Testing Important?

Web accessibility testing is a critical aspect of software testing, ensuring websites and mobile applications are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. By performing website accessibility testing, developers and testers can ensure that their website using modern frameworks complies with accessibility laws and guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (WCAG 2.1).

There are several types of accessibility testing that address various aspects of functionality:

  1. Keyboard accessibility: Ensures that users can navigate a website without a mouse, which is essential for those with motor impairments.
  2. Functional testing: Focuses on making sure the site works properly and that complex accessibility requirements are met, such as screen readers for users with visual impairments.
  3. Mobile testing: Involves evaluating apps on iOS and Android platforms to ensure mobile applications accessible across devices, including accessibility features provided by Apple and Google.

Perform accessibility testing using both manual and automated tools. Accessibility testing automation helps identify accessibility issues quickly, ensuring compliance with accessibility standards. These automated solutions can uncover violations of accessibility standards, but expert accessibility experts are often needed for comprehensive evaluations, especially when dealing with complex accessibility scenarios.

Fulfilling Social Responsibility

Building accessible digital experiences aligns with the values of social responsibility. Businesses have an obligation to contribute to a society where all individuals can participate fully. By prioritizing accessibility, you’re not only expanding your customer base but also demonstrating a commitment to making the digital world more equitable.


Accessibility requirements often drive creativity and innovation. Designing for a wide range of users forces developers and designers to think outside the box, creating solutions that benefit everyone. Features like voice control, captions, and alternative text began as accessibility features but are now widely used by all types of users.

Real-World Examples of Accessibility Testing

Many companies have embraced accessibility testing to enhance their user experience. For instance, Apple's commitment to accessibility is evident in features like VoiceOver for screen reading and closed captions for videos. Similarly, Microsoft's adaptive controllers and Google’s screen readers are industry-leading examples of innovation driven by accessibility testing. By embedding accessibility into their product lifecycles, these tech giants are setting the standard for inclusive design.

Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities

Accessibility testing ensures that various assistive technologies integrate smoothly with your product. These technologies allow individuals with disabilities to use digital services with greater ease. Here are some common types of assistive technologies:

Supporting Visual Impairments

Screen readers, braille displays, and magnification software help individuals with visual impairments interact with websites and apps. Testing must ensure compatibility with these tools, and that alternative text for images, proper heading structures, and readable font sizes are used.

Addressing Hearing Impairments

For users who are deaf or hard of hearing, captions for audio content, transcripts for videos, and visual indicators for sound alerts are essential. Testing needs to confirm that these features are easily accessible and function correctly.

Accommodating Mobility Impairments

Individuals with mobility impairments may rely on keyboard navigation or voice controls. Ensuring your product is fully operable without a mouse and that interactive elements are accessible via keyboard shortcuts is crucial.

Helping with Cognitive Impairments

For users with cognitive disabilities, simplicity is key. Clear, concise language, easy-to-navigate structures, and visual aids enhance usability. Accessibility testing should focus on minimizing complexity and providing straightforward content.

Considerations for Neurodivergence

Neurodivergent users, such as individuals with autism or ADHD, benefit from customizable interfaces, such as the ability to adjust colors, reduce flashing elements, and control sensory input. Ensuring flexibility in the design caters to these needs.

Key Areas to Evaluate in Accessibility Testing

When conducting accessibility testing, it’s essential to focus on several critical areas:

  • Keyboard Navigation: Can users navigate all interactive elements without a mouse?
  • Alternative Text: Are images and non-text elements described adequately for screen readers?
  • Color Contrast: Is there enough contrast between text and background colors for readability?
  • Forms and Inputs: Are forms accessible, with clear labels and descriptions for screen readers?
  • Multimedia: Do all videos have captions, and are transcripts available for audio content?

Example Test Cases for Accessibility Testing

  1. Testing Keyboard Navigation: Can users navigate through all interactive elements (links, forms, buttons) using only the keyboard?
  2. Verifying Screen Reader Compatibility: Does the website or app provide sufficient context and descriptions for screen readers to convey information correctly?
  3. Checking Color Contrast: Is the text readable against background colors, meeting WCAG standards for color contrast?
  4. Ensuring Captioning and Transcripts: Are captions available for video content, and are transcripts provided for audio files?
  5. Testing for Responsive Design: Does the application provide the same level of accessibility on mobile and tablet devices as it does on desktop?

Steps to Conduct Accessibility Testing

  1. Review Accessibility Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with relevant accessibility standards like WCAG to set the foundation for your testing efforts.
  2. Use Test Automation Tools: Start with tools like Axe, WAVE, or Lighthouse to quickly identify common accessibility issues, such as missing alt text or poor color contrast.
  3. Perform Manual Testing: Automated tools can miss complex issues, so manual testing with screen readers (like NVDA or JAWS), keyboard navigation, and color contrast checkers is essential.
  4. Involve Users with Disabilities: The most insightful accessibility testing comes from real-world usage. Involving people with disabilities in your testing process will give you practical insights that automated tools and manual tests can't provide.
  5. Iterate and Improve: Accessibility is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor and test your product as new features are added or updates are made, ensuring that you remain compliant and inclusive.

Cross-Device and Cross-Browser Testing

In a test environment, testers should evaluate the accessibility of websites and mobile apps across different operating systems and browsers to ensure that the content is accessible to all users, irrespective of their disabilities. Testing use cases for users with disabilities is essential, particularly for users with visual impairments or those relying on assistive technology.

Support for accessibility testing comes from various resources and communities focused on ensuring compliance with accessibility standards. By fixing accessibility issues, websites, and applications can meet the needs of all users. Following best practices ensures your website is accessible to people with disabilities and compliant with the guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium.


Digital Accessibility testing is an indispensable part of software development, promoting inclusivity, innovation, and compliance with legal standards. By incorporating accessibility at the early stages of design and testing throughout development, you can ensure that your digital products are usable by everyone, no matter their abilities. The benefits go beyond legal requirements—accessible design enhances the user experience for all, drives innovation, and aligns with a company’s social responsibility.

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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominikszahidewicz/

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