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test plan vs test strategy

Test Plan vs Test Strategy: Goals & Differences

Understand the difference between test plan vs test strategy. Both terms are often used in different contexts. It may be confusing for a QA team.

test case vs test scenario

Test Case vs Test Scenario: Compare, Contrast and How to 

Recently we have covered the test plan and we did quite a good job doing it. The document itself covers the testing process quite thoroughly. We agreed that the core of the test plan are the test cases and test suites. Now let’s shift our focus a bit more on the test cases and test scenarios and as a bonus we will come back to the test suites for a moment or two. 

test plan template

Automation Test Plan Template

We recently went through the whole theory on the purpose of such document. We hopefully proved to each tester that such a document is more than a list of features to be tested.

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How to Create a Test Plan? Steps and Examples

Learn how to create a test plan for the testing process of your web application. Discover how to write a test plan with examples in the article.

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Specflow: 8 Steps to Use Behavior-Driven Development To Improve Team Performance

Let me tell you a story of a project of mine. We worked in a scrum team which consisted of software developers, testers, and undecided product owners. We would waste many hours per week waiting for the product owner to deliver the requirements.

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Shift Left Testing Explained

The term “shift left” expresses movement. It can describe the movement of an entire team or individuals. What does it do in a project or an entire development lifecycle?