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Dominik Szahidewicz

Software Developer

Application Consultant working as a Tech Writer https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominikszahidewicz/

Atomic Test Cases The Ultimate Guide

Atomic Test Cases - the Ultimate Guide

Atomic Test Case is a specialized type of automated test case that focuses on testing a single, small, and discrete functionality of a software application in isolation. The goal is to thoroughly validate the behavior and correctness of a particular feature or function. Dive in for automation best practises for atomic testing.

How to Become Automated Test Engineer?

How to Become Automated Test Engineer?

This article delves into the journey of becoming an Automated Test Engineer, offering insights into the essential skills, knowledge, and steps required to embark on this career path and increase your current salary. 

Unit Testing vs End-to-End Testing: Key Differences

Unit Testing vs End-to-End Testing: Key Differences

Two commonly used different testing strategies are unit test and end-to-end testing. Understand the differences between these two and determine which one to use.