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How BugBug has improved the company’s release quality and confidence

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In brief:

  • Polly.Help is a knowledge management system that revolutionizes knowledge management to empower businesses of all sizes.
  • Polly.Help’s Technical Team implemented BugBug to improve the quality of releases without losing release velocity.
  • BugBug has helped to increase confidence in the releases.
  • BugBug increased the Team's productivity and saved money because of improved release quality, fewer breaking changes, and faster QA feedback for the Development Team.

Who is Polly.Help?

Polly.Help is a knowledge management system that revolutionizes knowledge management to empower businesses of all sizes. The platform eliminates system-wide discrepancies and provides easy access to knowledge for the entire organization.

They are a team of experienced professionals who have successfully implemented contact center solutions for large enterprises and have embarked on a mission to create an advanced and affordable knowledge management solution.

Inefficient manual regression testing

Polly's Technical Team had been running a lot of manual regression testing that gave them no insights if any of the releases broke anything, especially any of the essential features.

The aim was to improve the quality of product releases without losing release velocity.

Easy and reliable test automation process

Polly.Help team was looking for an easy-to-use test automation tool that only needs a little development time.

BugBug's UI looked clean, was easy to use, and didn't feel pricey like other bloated testing tools on the market. BugBug's documentation also allowed the team to run the first tests quickly.

The Technical Team had identified the most important use cases, and user flows.

They replaced manual regression tests with automated testing through BugBug’s schedules, tests on different environments, and components.

Improved release quality without losing release velocity

BugBug's simple UI, reusable test components, and automated test scheduling functionality helped the Team gain more confidence in the product releases.

The Technical Team gets feedback on breaking changes in the test environment faster, increasing productivity.

BugBug saved the company's time and money, and allowed Polly.Help Team to gain more trust in their product.

To learn more about how BugBug can help your business, start a free trial or book a demo.

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Richard Kiewiet,  Technical Lead & Lead Developer

BugBug definitely increased our productivity. Indirectly also saved money because of increased product quality, fewer breaking changes, and faster QA feedback for the development team.

Richard KiewietTechnical Lead & Lead Developer
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