Focus on coding instead of writing boring test scripts
Stop wasting your time on the QA job. Automate tests, limit your testing workload, and focus on delivering great features.
Automate your tests and code more
Create automated test in under 5 minutes
Fast & easy but offers many advanced features
Supports all web technologies
Test automation done fast
Create stable end-to-end tests through an intuitive recording interface under 5 minutes.
Re-record steps and group them into components when working on large amounts of test cases and complex user flows.
Advanced features you can rely on
Run custom JavaScript, create custom variables, use automatic selectors, smart waiting, and intelligent click & scroll.
BugBug offers advanced features for you to use when you need them.
See BugBug in action
Catch bugs faster
Set a test run schedule that regularly checks if your application is working as expected.
Stay in the loop and receive instant notifications directly to your inbox or Slack when a problem occurs.
Integrate with your favorite tools
Powerful features that fit your need
Whether you are a QA testing beginner or an experienced engineer, we have all the features you need.
BugBug is designed to simplify test automation but also offers advanced features that fit your needs.
See what other Developers are saying
Speed up your entire testing process
Test easier than ever with an intuitive test recorder.
Faster than coding. With unlimited test runs for free.