Effortless cloud testing that fits your budget

Create tests in your browser for free. Run tests in the cloud for 14 days at no charge. No hidden fees as your project grows. We offer a fixed cost for unlimited test runs. No credit card required.

Choose your plan

*Prices do not include VAT
  • Monthly
  • AnnuallySAVE 15%


For individuals who want to start testing simple web apps in their browser


per month

  • Unlimited users
  • Local testing only
    Run tests in your own browser without limits.
    Run tests in your own browser without limits.
Get started

What's included:

  • Unlimited tests
  • Unlimited local tests runs
    Run tests in your own browser without limits.
    Run tests in your own browser without limits.
  • Unlimited suites
  • Record tests
    Use the BugBug Chrome Extension to record tests effortlessly—just click in your browser, and it will automatically capture every test step.
    Use the BugBug Chrome Extension to record tests effortlessly—just click in your browser, and it will automatically capture every test step.
  • Components
    Components are groups of steps that are shared across multiple tests. Use components to easily edit multiple tests at once.
    Components are groups of steps that are shared across multiple tests. Use components to easily edit multiple tests at once.
  • Edit & rewind
    Edit steps in the middle of your test and start the execution from any given position, bypassing the need to wait for earlier steps to complete.
    Edit steps in the middle of your test and start the execution from any given position, bypassing the need to wait for earlier steps to complete.
  • Smart waiting conditions
    Before running each test step, BugBug will do a series of checks if your page is ready for a specific action.
    Before running each test step, BugBug will do a series of checks if your page is ready for a specific action.
  • Screenshots
    BugBug takes a full-size screenshot for every action.
    BugBug takes a full-size screenshot for every action.
  • 7 days of tests history

Most popular


For growing teams and start-ups looking to build a test automation process


per month, billed annually

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited cloud test runs
Start free trial

Everything in FREE, and:

  • Schedule
    Monitor your website and stay confident it works as it should.
    Monitor your website and stay confident it works as it should.
  • E-mail notifications
    Get notifications when tests on schedule failed.
    Get notifications when tests on schedule failed.
  • Slack notifications
    Get real-time, detailed updates on test runs, suite executions, or scheduled runs in your Slack messages.
    Get real-time, detailed updates on test runs, suite executions, or scheduled runs in your Slack messages.
  • CI/CD integrations
    Integrate with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket Pipelines, etc.
    Integrate with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket Pipelines, etc.
  • Custom JavaScript steps
    Perform any function during your tests with the power and flexibility of custom code actions.
    Perform any function during your tests with the power and flexibility of custom code actions.
  • Webhooks
    Integrate BugBug into your current workflow, for example by sending notifications to your team's communicator, such as Slack.
    Integrate BugBug into your current workflow, for example by sending notifications to your team's communicator, such as Slack.
  • Variables & Profiles
    Handle advanced testing scenarios, create your own presets for different variable values, work on multiple environments, generate unique user emails, etc.
    Handle advanced testing scenarios, create your own presets for different variable values, work on multiple environments, generate unique user emails, etc.
  • Inbox for e-mail testing
    Use the BugBug inbox feature for user registration and login tests. Generate a unique email address, receive the email with the verification link.
    Use the BugBug inbox feature for user registration and login tests. Generate a unique email address, receive the email with the verification link.
  • Console logs
    Easily identify test issues by collecting browser console logs along with debug logs from the BugBug Chrome extension.
    Easily identify test issues by collecting browser console logs along with debug logs from the BugBug Chrome extension.
  • PDF reports for suite runs
    Download a PDF report for each suite run in your project.
    Download a PDF report for each suite run in your project.
  • 1 month of tests history
  • Optional parallel runs
    Run multiple tests simultaneously in the cloud—up to 32x faster.
    Run multiple tests simultaneously in the cloud—up to 32x faster.


For scaling companies wanting to speed up their testing process


per month, billed annually

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited cloud test runs
Start free trial

Everything in PRO, and:

  • API access
    Run tests and suites in the cloud using BugBug's public API.
    Run tests and suites in the cloud using BugBug's public API.
  • Longer cloud run time
    A single cloud test can run for up to 30 minutes.
    A single cloud test can run for up to 30 minutes.
  • Scheduled runs every minute
    Test run frequency can be scheduled as frequently as every 1 minute.
    Test run frequency can be scheduled as frequently as every 1 minute.
  • 2 months of tests history
  • Priority customer support
    Benefit from top-priority support delivered by our test automation specialists.
    Benefit from top-priority support delivered by our test automation specialists.
Compare all plans
“With BugBug, we have successfully reduced test building time, saving an average of 60 minutes per day. This enabled our team to focus on other critical tasks and enhanced overall productivity.”
Robbie MillerMarketing Manager at PS Website Design
ps web design logo

Compare BugBug plans

Discover the differences of each plan and choose the offer that fits your testing needs


$0 per month

$0 / mo

Get started


$99 per month

$99 / mo

Start free trial


$299 per month

$299 / mo

Start free trial
Number of users
Tests run history
7 days
1 month
2 months
Customer support
Test recording
No-code test recordingUse the BugBug Chrome Extension to record tests effortlessly—just click in your browser, and it will automatically capture every test step.
Use the BugBug Chrome Extension to record tests effortlessly—just click in your browser, and it will automatically capture every test step.
Smart waiting conditionsBefore running each test step, BugBug will do a series of checks if your page is ready for a specific action.
Before running each test step, BugBug will do a series of checks if your page is ready for a specific action.
Smart scrollYou don't need to maintain scroll positions. BugBug intelligently scrolls to the right place.
You don't need to maintain scroll positions. BugBug intelligently scrolls to the right place.
Smart clickBugBug will try to find a right spot to click an element, even if it's partially covered.
BugBug will try to find a right spot to click an element, even if it's partially covered.
AssertionsAdd a test step that observes if your page contains specific text or element.
Add a test step that observes if your page contains specific text or element.
ComponentsComponents are groups of steps that are shared across multiple tests. Use components to easily edit multiple tests at once.
Components are groups of steps that are shared across multiple tests. Use components to easily edit multiple tests at once.
Edit & RewindEdit steps in the middle of your test and start the execution from any given position, bypassing the need to wait for earlier steps to complete.
Edit steps in the middle of your test and start the execution from any given position, bypassing the need to wait for earlier steps to complete.
Automatic selectorsDuring the recording, BugBug will automatically create several selectors and decide which is the best.
During the recording, BugBug will automatically create several selectors and decide which is the best.
Iframes supportBugBug automatically handles testing in iframes and multiple tabs during recording, with the option for manual control.
BugBug automatically handles testing in iframes and multiple tabs during recording, with the option for manual control.
Multiple tabs supportBugBug automatically handles testing in iframes and multiple tabs during recording, with the option for manual control.
BugBug automatically handles testing in iframes and multiple tabs during recording, with the option for manual control.
ScreenshotsWhen a test step is executed, BugBug automatically takes screenshots of the whole window.
When a test step is executed, BugBug automatically takes screenshots of the whole window.
VariablesHandle advanced testing scenarios, work on multiple environments, generate unique user emails, etc.
Handle advanced testing scenarios, work on multiple environments, generate unique user emails, etc.
Custom Javascript stepsPerform any function during your tests with the power and flexibility of custom code actions.
Perform any function during your tests with the power and flexibility of custom code actions.
ProfilesUse your own presets for different variable values to run tests or suites on different environments, or to override your default variables to a specific value.
Use your own presets for different variable values to run tests or suites on different environments, or to override your default variables to a specific value.
Inbox e-mail testingUse the BugBug inbox feature for user registration and login tests. Generate a unique email address, receive the email with the verification link.
Use the BugBug inbox feature for user registration and login tests. Generate a unique email address, receive the email with the verification link.
Test execution
Local runsRun tests in your own browser.
Run tests in your own browser.
Cloud runsRun tests via BugBug cloud virtual machines.
Run tests via BugBug cloud virtual machines.
Parallel runsRun multiple tests simultaneously in the cloud—up to 32x faster.
Run multiple tests simultaneously in the cloud—up to 32x faster.
ScheduleMonitor your website and ensure it works as it should. BugBug can automatically notify you about failed tests with email notifications.
Monitor your website and ensure it works as it should. BugBug can automatically notify you about failed tests with email notifications.
Single cloud test run timeThe maximum execution time for a single test in the cloud. This is an important factor when creating long tests.
The maximum execution time for a single test in the cloud. This is an important factor when creating long tests.
max 15 min
max 30 min
Schedule frequencyThe maximum frequency at which a test suite can be scheduled to run in the cloud. Each scheduled test suite will be executed automatically, and BugBug will notify you of any failed tests via configured notifications.
The maximum frequency at which a test suite can be scheduled to run in the cloud. Each scheduled test suite will be executed automatically, and BugBug will notify you of any failed tests via configured notifications.
from 5 min
from 1 min
PDF reportsDownload a PDF report for each suite run in your project.
Download a PDF report for each suite run in your project.
Email notificationsGet notifications when tests on schedule failed.
Get notifications when tests on schedule failed.
Slack notificationGet real-time, detailed updates on test runs, suite executions, or scheduled runs in your Slack messages.
Get real-time, detailed updates on test runs, suite executions, or scheduled runs in your Slack messages.
Console logsEasily identify test issues by collecting browser console logs along with debug logs from the BugBug Chrome extension.
Easily identify test issues by collecting browser console logs along with debug logs from the BugBug Chrome extension.
WebhooksIntegrate BugBug into your current workflow, for example by sending notifications to your team's communicator, such as Slack.
Integrate BugBug into your current workflow, for example by sending notifications to your team's communicator, such as Slack.
CI/CD pipelines integrationsIntegrate with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket pipelines, etc.
Integrate with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket pipelines, etc.
API accessRun tests and suites in the cloud using BugBug's public API.
Run tests and suites in the cloud using BugBug's public API.

Industry leaders automate tests with BugBug

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Speed up your entire testing process

Test easier than ever with an intuitive test recorder.
Faster than coding. With unlimited test runs for free.